Happy Friday!
Homemade sesame sticks! And from reading the recipe, it looks easy.
Delish high-fiber snacks.
Benefits of raw honey.
Best sources of Vit C.
The Bobine: What a great invention for keeping your iphone free-standing.
Why not take your pumpkin cookie and make it into pumpkin cookie bark?
Natural remedies for muscle pain.
Acupuncture may offer real pain relief after all.
I would LOVE to know who has done acupuncture and does it work?
Why you need biotin (and what does it do?)
Excellent idea! How to label your leftovers from organizinghomelife.com
How to freeze cooked brown rice.
Tips for really good smoothies.
Waffles made with.......beer. Yes, indeed. A whole new depth of flavor.
How to eat a cupcake. Yes, there is a video for this. (cute!).
Excellent lineup of some of the best recipes for veggie burgers.
How to make spaghetti-pizza.
How to make Tonkatsu sauce (Japanese style BBQ sauce).
Warm chocolate risotto.
Dorie Greenspan has a new cookie store open: Beurre & Sel
A place I want to visit--soon: Danny Macaroons!
Peppermint patty brownie cups.
Oh my! cinnamon-cream cheese breakfast bars! (bookmarked)
kitty litter cake for Halloween! Isn't this the best?
Tooth fairy receipts. How cute are these?
Finally a candy with no chemicals or dyes--all natural. Unreal Candies.
Pet Peek windows! Cute!
9 ways to develop true self-esteem.
What gets in the way of your exercise routine?
Breast cancer: knowing the signs.
Salted whiskey caramels.
Homemade tootsie rolls!
I've been slowly inching my way closer towards a paleo/primal lifestyle, and I have to say giving up carbs isn't that bad. I replaced carbs with bacon. (kidding).
In my last friday link roundup I shared with you how I am prone to getting SAD (seasonal affective disorder) during the dark and cold months of jan, feb & march here in new england.
I was shocked, and very comforted on how many people emailed me telling me they have it as well.
And a few of you asked what I do to help ease the symptoms.
I get outside as much as possible, even on the cloudy days. They say even if it's a cloudy day, the light illumination is still there (more so than being inside).
I do weightlifting to help boost/move the blood which helps boost the mood.
I take a lot of fish oil and a good amount of Vit D3. (make sure you get enough of the D3)
If you can, get high quality fish oil that is tested for the highest levels of omega 3's and is low in impurities.
In the photo above, I use Vital Choice fish oils and TwinLab Tri-boron. I don't take all the fish oils the same day, rather I alternate one day is krill oil with astaxanthin and the next day is the salmon oil with the astaxanthin....
Do they help? Yes they do. There was one winter where I did not take the fish oil for about 2 months and noticed a significant change in my moods.
Maybe Vital Choice will see this post and offer up a giveaway for my fans and perhaps a discount?
Feel free to share with us what works for you in combating SAD?
I would love to share your tips!
Last week it was my birthday as well as my wedding anniversary.
Hubby and I celebrated (and broke our diets) by going to one of our favorite places to eat: Kelly's Roast Beef.
If any of you are from boston, you know how good Kelly's is.
They haven't changed a thing there, no downsizing of meals, no cutting back on quality--same old roast beef sandwich perfection. (that bag of fries? it's a small :-)
What I want to read (don't these sound good?):
Saving the best for last on this friday link roundup......
For those of you that are nostalgic cape cod fans (myself included) here is a wonderful video of the cape cod canal circa 1939.

I am having a really hard time saying goodbye to summer. :-(
Who the heck has leftover shrimp scampi?!?
ReplyDeleteThanks for linking my Tootsie Rolls! Love your Friday Links--always so much to check out! Happy Weekend!
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday and anniversary :). I want to take a biotin supplement but am looking for a chewable one and can't find it. Do you know of any? I hate that summer is over, and it is already quite gloomy and chilly here in Michigan. My dreams of moving to California are keeping me going and working hard.
ReplyDeletethanks girl! xoxo
Deletethanks for the linkage! :)
ReplyDeletecome by smorgasburg for a macaroon anytime.
Regarding acupuncture, your fuzzy slippers reminded me that I should post something. My very good friend and Salsa (dance, not food) teacher, Javier, who's day job is electrical engineer for a large power company, had surgery for a meniscus tear about two years ago which took him out of commission for about five months. Javier is only 32 now. The surgeon is well regarded for shoulders, knees, and wrists. The man is an amateur bike racer so he definitely wants to keep his patients in the game. So, Javier recently started feeling like his knee wants to lock up. MRIs haven't been definitive and the surgeon thinks it's a tendon. Another doctor gave a similar second opinion, but both agree they wouldn't know without additional surgery. Another dance teacher suggested acupuncture and the second surgeon thought it was a good idea as it's been done for 3000 years. My friend has had four treatments in the last month, plus about $200 of ointments and pills. Now he thinks he's ready for additional surgery. He thinks the ointment provides more relief than the acupuncture.
ReplyDeletemy next door neighbor started a paleo blog! http://paleobreakfast.wordpress.com/