
2011 superbowl munchies!

Who is having a superbowl party? Tell me your address so I can show up and eat. I will bring whatever you want. I want to watch football this year. No I don't do I? I'm just there for the food man. It's all about the food. I just want to eat, and Superbowl day is a darn good excuse to pig out silly. Get your stretchy pants on and eat baby.
Well, if you still need some ideas on what to make AND want some easy recipes, I think I can help you. I've put together a few of the good munchies that are easy to create. If I had to choose: artichoke bread with hummus, pimento cheeseburgers, cheesy tater tots (those were gone in minutes so make a ton), and those fudge puddles. Seriously.

clockwise: meatloaf bread, artichoke bread, cheesy tater tots, and sweet potato quesadillas with fig reduction & corn relish.

left to right: espresso cream cheese brownies with salty shortbread crumbs, peanut butter fudge puddles, coconut cream cheese cookies.

clockwise: cheesy reuben calzone, reuben dip, frito salad, buffalo chicken chili with blue cheese drizzle.

left to right: pimento cheeseburger with tomato-balsamic reduction, ham and cheese sliders


  1. Oh stop it! Your just killing me! That is some good looking food!

  2. Thanks. Now I'm STARVING. We are doing nothing for the Superbowl but are going out for Mexican food to celebrate Spencer's birthday. I'd rather have those puddles.

  3. ALL of this looks delicious! I'm not much of a football fan, but I love any excuse to get together with friends and enjoy good food. :)

  4. OMG! Everything looks fantastic!

  5. I don't know anything about the Superbowl, except for marketing.. but I do know what munchies are.. you get them after .... wait, that was in college I think.. crap, can't remember..

    Everything looks DELISH.

  6. www.culinaryflavors.blogspot.com2/5/11, 2:05 AM

    This collection is simply mouthwatering. I want to be at that party too!

  7. This is the first year we aren't hosting a Super Bowl party in a while! Your food pictures are making me regret that...

  8. I always love your food photography but this superbowl food montage of pics is killing me too (I agree with Jersey Girl!) Everything looks amazing!!
    Meatloaf Bread?! What a genius idea.

  9. I'll be honest, I'm just making chili and some PB+J bars and calling it a day. But if there were more people coming over...I would definitely rather be making and eating all of these!

  10. I just stumbled upon your blog and I am in LOVE! And very hungry.

  11. Wish I was coming to your house for the SuperBowl--yummmmm!

  12. I'll take one of each please - YUM!

  13. I wanna try a bunch of these! I'll never have time before the superbowl=( Good thing I can still make them for fun after!

  14. We all know the food is the most important part of the day. I'll have a little of everything. Ok? Thanks!

  15. wow, if i was having a party, you'd totally be invited :) cheesy tater tots, please!!

  16. As long as you bring ALLLLL of that shit..we are good to go! Come on over!

  17. There are so many good looking yummies in this post. I want to start off with that reuben calzone. yum!

  18. oh my goodness that all looks SO GOOD. I just ate... and now I'm hungry again. My friend is coming over today to make tons of snacks and treats for the super bowl... and pretty sure we're not even going to watch the game!

  19. Wow-This food looks absolutely amazing! If I could, I'd be over in an instant to try it out:)

  20. One looks better than the next! So glad I discovered your blog :)

  21. Ye Gods. Artichoke bread? Got to try that! And Cheesy Tater Tots? Doesn't surprise me they went first!
    Great round-up for the Super Bowl, Dawn.

  22. I bet your place must be the happening place this superbowl!

  23. lol, I totally agree. its all about the FOOD!

  24. That just isn't fare.... it's FABULOUS!

  25. Okay I want to come to your house and devour all those treats!

  26. Wow! I just discovered your blog & must say I am totally impressed! I've added a link to your blog from mine. Keep the good stuff coming!

  27. Wow This site is simply..amazing!

  28. holy cow, this post is insanity...

  29. Those are my favorite during super bowls! Meaty, tasty and the dessert are to die for! Love making those ham and cheese sliders.

  30. You should have come over here. WE had a metric shit tonne of food. Basically spent the day in the kitchen, and by the time it was all said and done, I thought I was going to keel the hell over. But everything from scratch, so worth it. :)

    Hope you found some stretchy pants!

  31. Everything looks mouthwatering!! Wish I were at your place sunday! :)

  32. I ignored the Super Bowl, but I am like you always all about the food. Love all these munchies you have for us here - wish they were here ;)

  33. I love love love love love LOVE your blog! Your pictures are truly unreal and I've been admiring your pictures recipes and posts for so long now! I've finally got my own blog so I'd love you to stop by and give me your input whenever you'll get the chance. Can't wait to read more:)

  34. I deliberately stayed away from SuperBowl snack posts - now that the game is over, I wish they'd have a rematch so that I can have some of these...

  35. That frito salad might just be on my menu for this week. YUM!

  36. Hello, I hope all is well!
    I wish I was at your, Superbowl Party.... My mouth is watering!!


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