
almond joy bites w/ cookie crust

homemade almond joy bites with buttery crust

So you've heard this story before....love those almond joys BUT they need to be 'kicked up'. Me and my endless task(s) of making candies, cookies, cakes, muffins, etc... better is a never ending journey people. But have no fear I will prevail and continue on--just for you. :-)
This was on the 'to create' list for some time now: "kick up the infamous almond joy". I can now cross that off the list. Need I say these are just fabulous? They are. They are also very very rich. And I must warn you a little hard to handle; the crumbles fall apart in this shape. So if you were to make these, consider doing so in a tart pan instead. It'll work a lot easier for handling.

**Side note: a lot of you have asked why the copyright stamp on all the photos? It ruins the photos to see wording on there. I agree! But I have so much photo theft that I have to put it on there. I wish people would make their own photos and stop using mine, but that doesn't happen. So sadly I have to put these watermarks on there. I hate it too, trust me.
A wonderful friend of mine Deb from tasteandtellblog.com did a fun little interview on me and my blog. Come check it out here.

homemade almond joy bites with cookie crust

almond joy bites with cookie crust
print recipe

9-10 ounces sweetened coconut
14 ounces of condensed milk

Cookie crust:
10 ounce pack of Lorna Doone cookies (or any other thick butter shortbread cookie is fine), crushed fine
1 stick of butter, melted
Pinch of salt

High quality dark chocolate

Smokey/salty almonds

Combine coconut with condensed milk until smooth. Cover with plastic wrap and set in fridge.
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Melt the butter and in a bowl combine it with the crushed cookies and salt. Mix well and pour into greased muffin cups or tart pan (with removable bottom).
Bake the crust for about 10 – 15 minutes or until set. Don’t let it brown! Let cool completely.
When cooled fill cups with a nice size scoop of the coconut mixture; making sure to NOT let the mixture touch the sides of the pan. We want the chocolate to drip down the sides (see photo). Cover muffin pan with parchment paper and let set up in fridge for at least a couple hours.
Melt the dark chocolate in a double boiler. Remove coconut bites from muffin pan, and set on wire rack to pour chocolate over. Or you could leave them in the cups and pour chocolate into cups. They should release out fine (I don’t know as I used the wire racks to cover in chocolate). Top with smokey almonds. Let set before devouring.

Notes: you could use a tart pan instead of muffin cups. Make sure to grease your pans well. I don’t know if milk chocolate would work in this. And remember the cookie crust is delicate, so use the coconut as your base when ready to drizzle with chocolate.


  1. A little rich, huh? I can only imagine! I adore almond joy so these must have been out of this world.

  2. I made something similar a few weeks ago - SO good! I love coconut and dark chocolate together.

  3. "Too hard to handle" Pfftt. try me!

  4. I have never heard of almond joys and I have never seen a creation like this! It looks insanely yummy!

  5. I wept (good tears) when I saw the Lorna Doone cookie crust. Almond Joys are a favorite and with this crust...just..omg. So good.

  6. OMG! OK, I'm not just saying this for fun -- my heart literally skipped a beat when I read Lorna Doones. Those are hands down my favorite packaged cookie ever. So besides the fact that the coconut, almonds and chocolate look delicious, the Lorna Doones have sold me here! :)

  7. Oh dear, want! what a cute idea, and the layers are very nice looking.

  8. There seriously has to be a law agains having such obscene deliciousness pop up on screen so very early in the day (only 10:30am here in Manila). I never enjoyed coconut in candy bars as a child, but now I can't get enough of them! I am bookmarking these for upcoming party treats. Of course, I will have to make a batch first - y'know, to test them out...

  9. Lorna Doones are the best. I'm sure they go great in this. Almond Joys can only get better!

  10. Mmm, yum. Definitely kicked up a notch! My husband bought some smoked almonds and as I keep seeing the bag of them, I've wondered if I could use them in a sweet dessert. We love Almond Joy. Might have to give this a try!

  11. Someone should hire you to find a way to make crack or heroin even better. Seriously, it could be a really lucrative endeavor.

    I love almond joys...that coconutty deliciousness...can't wait to try these!

  12. Your pictures definitely are drool-worthy! My mom's favorite candy is Almond Joys so I'm definitely saving this recipe to make for her!

  13. You are so amazing. You take something already delicious and up the delicious factor ten fold!

  14. OMG. Can't wait to try this....

  15. Oh man, I want these now! You did an awesome job making something already awesome even better.

  16. Cococnut and I are best friends so these little morsels would so welcome with their chocolate coating.

  17. I have intense love affair with coconut so I knew I would love these before even clicking on the link. But now that I have seen them, I have to say - they totally kick store-bought almond joys' BUTT!

  18. I looove coconut! Looks great to me!

  19. Oh these look wonderful. Beautiful job.

  20. These look sexy Dawn. Me like.

  21. I luv what you've done here with these mini bites...but even more especially because they're like Almond Joys (one of three of my favorite candies). I need to try these!

    It's a good idea what you've done with the watermark across your images. I've debated going that route too. It is just too bad that folks find blogs/sites a free-for-all grabbing work(s) without permission and/or credit.

  22. Dawn, these look heavenly! You've taken my favorite candy bar and turned it into an elegant little dessert! Love these.

  23. I totally understand your watermarking your photos, its crazy how people just think they can use them. Words or not, those look pretty awesome.

  24. Oh my gosh! They look fantastic.
    Want one now!!

  25. These look way better than the candy bar they're named for. I love the cute little shape and size, too.

  26. in this instance, messy need not necessarily equal bad. let's just say 'not as good.' :)

  27. These look AMAZING!! And its easy enough to where you could whip this together last minute. Well easier than a cheesecake I guess ;) Thanks for the great idea for dessert!

  28. um- you had me at cookie crust! Mandi and I were talking about our favorite desserts and I always say mine would just be graham or cookie crust with nothing in it...or maybe just whipped cream haha. Hope you're doing well!

  29. I'm happy just eating the crust. I'm overjoyed with the topping. Amazing:)

  30. Damn, these look gooooooooooooood. Its going into my bookmarks right now!
    *kisses* HH

  31. Can't wait to try this! Sounds so easy to make, looks very fancy!
    PS- I think the photo's look fine with the stamp, no biggie!

  32. I'm so sorry to hear about your photo thief. I'll look past the watermark and take in the delicious candy instead... I LOVE almond joy!

  33. I do always feel like almond joys are missing something when I eat them - love this idea!

  34. Oh my goodness. Thank you for this recipe. I love you forever.

  35. Oh my goodness. I love you forever for making these. I love almond joy. And now I love you! ;)

  36. The cookie crust ties it all together. Wow those look amazing! Thanks for sharing.

  37. i love chocolate and coconut and almonds... and lorna doone's? my my, be still my heart. will you be my valentine??

  38. I love kicked up flavors. Perfect timing to use Girl Scout Shortbreads. And, I love your photos.

  39. Is the condensed milk correct or is it made with sweetened condensed milk?

  40. I'm so glad you posted these... these are just adorably divine!!!!

    and happy V-day to you. I'm sorry I've missed so many of your posts, I was in the middle of changing domains, and redesigning the site (which is still an ongoing process), and my mum has not been feeling well recently, when you add that with work.... I wanted to stop by and give you the new address, hope you'll bookmark it and come visit sometime.

  41. This one kills me. I literally could eat the whole tray by myself... yes, I am very selfish when it comes to coconut treats. Nicely done!

  42. Waw, Dawn!!! Those almond joy bites with cookie crust look amazing, tasty & look so appetizing too!

    Sorry that I haven't been here lately but my husband & I just baught our 1st house!! yeah!! It is our dream house. Too bad that you don't live near us otherwise I would invite you to dinner @ the new house. I have a 5 pits gas stove. Do you have any tips on cooking on gas??? I never tried that!

    Kisses! I moved my blog to wordpress.com/ Come over @ my blog & check it out! You must update your RSS too!

  43. oh my... everything about this is sooo wrong. but in the good way! decadent and sexy! coconut speaks to me!

  44. It's the cookie crust that makes these special for me. They look awesome! I would say your tast of kicking them up, worked!

  45. I made some almond joy brownie bites awhile back, so I am loving this post!! These look GREAT!!

  46. Oh Dawn Dawn! Why do you do this to me. I can't resist this one!!

  47. Okay, call me silly. I just came across this while searching for bar recipes that are different. Shouldn't the chocolate be drizzled over the coconut side and not the cookie side, as shown in the photos?

    1. the chocolate (in the photo) is drizzled over the cookie crust.
      i did it this way as the cookie crust, if used as a base is delicate (as stated in the notes).
      of course you could do it whatever way you desire.
      hope this helps you


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