
sweet potato burritos

On one of those rare occasions I had leftover sweet potato hash. I know weird indeed. But look here, it went to good use: a burrito. A tasty lil critter of a burrito might I add. And as I type this I am thinking "I should have deep fried it!" That would have been heavenly.
The add in possibilities to this burrito are endless. Be creative or be "clean out the fridge'ish".
One of the great things I love about the sweet potato is they easily take the place of a meat--if seasoned right. I don't like to eat a lot of meat. Once a month I love to make my infamous cheeseburgers. I do crave them at least monthly.
I hope there are a lot of sweet potato lovers out there since I seem to post them a lot on here. They are just so versatile for meals and even for sweets. Remember when I made the sweet potato cupcakes? Yes. Need to make those again.

sweet potato burritos
print recipe

sweet potato hash (recipe below)
4 Flour tortillas
Cooked rice, any kind, any flavor
Monterey jack cheese, shredded
4 – 6 strips cooked bacon, chopped
Sour cream

Other add ins:
Leftover chicken, pork, steak, tofu crumbles
Scrambled eggs
The list is endless….

For the sweet potato hash:
2-3 sweet potatoes, chopped into 1-inch cubes
EV olive oil
A few TB’s of butter
salt & pepper
¼ - ½ cup caramelized onions
Worcestershire sauce
1 – 3 chopped adobo chile peppers in sauce, minced (these are hot so use caution)

Caramelize some onions (about 1 giant sweet yellow onion) after it's done caramelizing add a few drops of the Worcestershire sauce, set aside.
Heat up same skillet (don’t clean it) with some EVOO and fry up the sweet potatoes until nice & crispy, season with salt and pepper. Towards the end of cooking add a few tablespoons of butter to the skillet to melt into the hash. Then add in a few dashes of Worcestershire sauce, mix until combined. Then add in the chopped/minced adobo. Stir.

To assemble:
Warm up the tortillas, Fill with the sweet potato hash, bacon, rice, cheese and sour cream. Serve.


  1. I didn't think burritos could get any better! These look fab.

  2. These look awesome! I bought tortillas this week and already have sweet potatoes and the rest of the ingredients on hand... I totally need to make these! :)

  3. Oh baby, you're beautiful. I want you. Come 'ere. Yeah...

  4. I am a sweet potato lover and a Mexican fanatic- combine the two? I'm so in. Look gorgeous Dawn!

  5. I love sweet potatoes in mexican-type dishes. They're so delicious with chile powder and cumin.yum!

  6. Sweet potatoes are one of my favorite foods, so I know I would love both the hash and burritos. Great recipes!

  7. Fantastic! When I was in Ann Arbor on business, we ate at a cafe that had a sweet potato burrito that was insanely awesome. I'd always hoped to recreate it, but never did- and now you'd made it easier for me by posting your recipe. Thanks!

  8. That looks delish! I can't get enough of your posts! Yummmy!!!!

  9. i've been obsessed w/ sweet potato hash lately. this combo just blows my mind!

  10. I mean, who doesn't love carbs with more carbs?

  11. mmmmmm....these look so good. we make sweet potato enchiladas with onions and cheddar - also quite yummy!

  12. Fantasticos, nunca los he probado así.


  13. so creative and delicious! and my hubs would eat it and love me more for it :)

  14. This is why you and I get along so well. Our mutual love of orange tubers. These burritos sound fantabulous!

  15. I suggest moving that thumb....CHOMP

  16. chica, que damn rico they look!! well, 'cept for the bacon! hee hee.. and the dallop is so pretty! nice work here.

  17. I need some leftover sweet potato hash!!!

  18. all digits beware--i can't control my jaws when they get close to something so tasty and satisfying. :)

  19. I'm loving this recipe! Sweet potato hash? Never made it...can't wait. And in burrito form it looks fabulous. I could take a big huge bite right out of your photo!

  20. Yummm, this looks great! I will have to try it for sure!

  21. Oh that would be a great breakfast burrito too! Add some eggs, and bacon...yum!!

  22. I'm bookmarking. Must, must, must try this recipe!

  23. I can not wait to make these!!! yummy!

  24. I want to make your sweet potato hash just so I can not eat it and save it for these burritos. Gorgeous!

  25. I love this idea.

    I'm not normally a huge fan of sweet potatoes, but this recipe just might cause me to become a convert.

    Thanks for this post and recipe!

  26. i just made my own sweet potato burrito this week :) different, but equally fabulous! i'll have to try this one next.... YUM

  27. I LOVE sweet potatoes and sweet potato burritos! This looks awesome! I love it!

  28. I love sweet potato in burritos especially with black beans


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