
white chocolate bark w/ Oreo's and Cheez Its

white chocolate bark w Oreo's & Cheez Its

Let's call this PMS Christmas bark shall we? :-)
Whoa. I mean whoa dude. This stuff is crazy good. Very addicting. I have a bunch of leftovers at my house. Please come get it? It's free to a good home?
I swear I can hear you all now saying "where in the world does this crazy woman come up with this stuff?" My cravings for sweet & salty run high and deep. I am on a never-ending quest to find the ultimate in sweet & savory.
For those foodies in your life (or you) make them a batch of this for Chrismtas. They will swoon.....they will remember you forever and a day.

white chocolate bark w Oreo's & Cheez Its

white chocolate bark with Oreo’s & Cheez Its
from vanillasugarblog.com
print recipe

2 bags or 22 ounces of high quality white chocolate
About 10-12 Oreo's (chocolate filled) cookies cut in half or quarters
2 large handfuls of Cheez It’s cut in half or quarters
2 TB or more of heavy cream
Generous pinch of sea salt

Have all your ingredients chopped up and ready to go as white chocolate does not stay melted long. Place parchment paper on a regular cookie sheet.
Over double boiler melt the white chocolate chips with the heavy cream, add in the salt, stirring a lot until it comes to a nice Ganache. Take off the heat, working fast add in the chopped Oreo’s and cheez its. Mix well and fast, then pour out onto parchment lined cookie sheet. Let harden about 3 hours. Cut into squares.


  1. You are crazy creative Dawn! I love salty and sweet too. I bet this is oddly delicious. Plus the colors are kind of fun

  2. oh my. you are a genius.

    I may just try this. it looks FABULOUS !

  3. i don't know if my brain even knows how to wrap around this one! WOWZAH :)

  4. Road Trip leftovers, that's what I would have called this. 2 amazing snacks combined into 1, pretty rad.

  5. this looks heavenly. i hope it tastes as good as it looks with the cheese.

  6. NO WAY! my hips cant handle it!

  7. I think I'm in love! This looks divine! And I don't even really love Cheez Its.. Danger, Will Robinson!

  8. You are crazy girl....but otherwise, how would we know what is YUMMY? :)

  9. I love how, in my google reader, I can tell it's your post just by reading the title. Always these crazy sweet and savory combinations. Always totally wacky. And yet. I'm sure always delicious. This is blowing my mind a bit.

  10. I love sweet and salty too! This sounds a little weird but crazy good!

  11. Oh yeah baby! Totally digging this. My ass is getting so big right now and this certainly wouldn't make it any smaller!

  12. Oh, dear God. This is perfection.

  13. Oh WOW!! I would have never thought of pairing these two up.. Sounds awesome though! :)

  14. This would be SO worth an extra gym workout for! :)

  15. hehehe, you are crazy and i love it :) if i had a car i'd be down there tonight!! was this a dare? how'd you come up with it??

  16. Wow. This is the most unique dessert creation I have ever seen. You should send the recipe to Oreo and see if they use it!

  17. You have officially gone over the edge, but what a sweet way to do it! I love each of these ingredients so why not be efficient about it and enjoy them all at once? 8-D

  18. Are you freaking kidding me?!? I am thinking that must be delicious, and I'm also drooling over the bacon/chocolate/almond bark from your last post. You take leftovers to a whole new level, and I love it!

  19. i'll take it! i wish i was in cape cod!

  20. Que buena idea, esto es genial.


  21. Wow....that really DOES look addicting! You are incredibly artistic wit your food, Dawn! I love it!!

  22. Dawn, I don't remember how I got here but what I've seen upto now looks great!! Love your pics and love your food. I'll keep visiting your kitchen if you don't mind.
    Regards from Spain

  23. I am all about adding crazy combos to get a to-die-for sweet and salty combo. I bet this would be crazy good (addicting)! :-)

  24. Whoa is right! You melted down two clashing snacks into a white chocolate bark and it's actually good? I believe you but I am amazed. This sounds like something that would happen accidentally or come together when you're feeling really, really brave.

  25. Are you kidding me? I think I have to make this pronto. I have loads of white chocolate but no oreos or cheez-its. I see a grocery store run in my near future.

  26. Whoa you are the queen of sweet & salty!

  27. I am a huge fan of salty and sweet but I have to admit these are two things I had never thought to put together. Madness.

  28. Who would have thought.. Cheese it's? I always have them in my pantry! and I have Oreo's too! I loooove salty sweet and I am going to try this one! beautiful picture by the way!

  29. You are so not crazy my friend. I will eat anything sweet & salty and this is right up there. can't wait to make it - love the fun colors.

  30. if there was ever any doubt about your title as queen of the random and delicious combinations (there wasn't), you've now settled that debate. wowza, woman!

  31. Never seen that before. What a creative way of using Oreo's.

  32. Wow, Dawn. You've had two killer bars in the last two posts. I'm drooling. I love that salty/sweet too.

  33. Drool, drool, drool.

    Keep the delicious bark ideas coming and I will keep wiping saliva off my computer screen!!

  34. Drool, drool, drool.

    Keep the delicious bark ideas coming and I will keep wiping the saliva off my computer screen.

  35. I say this in the best way possible...are you insane?! how do you come up with ideas like these? I LOVE IT. It looks like somehtign I would devour in a 30 seconds spam. Thank you for thiss!

    -Amalia http://www.buttersweetmelody.wordpress.com

  36. Wow! This is crazy creative. Sounds like an awesome combo!

  37. Since i know that you love cheeze-its this is hilarious. You are crazy but what a brilliant idea. I would love to taste one. I am sure they are tasty.

  38. What a creative combination! Who would have thought? Oreos and Cheez Itz? Way awesome!

  39. You are the queen of mixing sweet and savory... I am loving this bark!

  40. Love it! This looks so crazy that It's probably amazing!

  41. Oh my goodness, my dentist would so not approve. But i can't resist - it is just so decadent.

  42. This looks insanely good, as unorthodox as it sounds! ;)
    I think Anthony Bourdain would enjoy it after a hard night of drinking, too.

  43. Confirmed. This is crack cocaine! :)

  44. divine! i love how thick it is.

  45. I do love the sweet and savory combo here...I bet it's awesome!

  46. Cheese Its are the best. And in a dessert? Yes please, I'll take the leftovers!

  47. Ok, this is ridiculous.
    I must make it NOW!

  48. Um, MUST try this! I think I'll make it with white cheddar Cheese-It's though because the orangey color in your pics freaks me out a little.

  49. This looks so strange that all I can think is that it must be fabulous.

  50. Sorry must leave another comment. Made this for Christmas. My 94 year old grandmother could not get enough of it. She kept asking what the orange pieces were. She's hard of hearing and we kept saying "Cheese It's". She's study her piece and then shake her head. She couldn't believe it. A new one to add to the cookie tray.

  51. this might be the coolest thing ever...

  52. omg get out of here with this. YUM. I wonder how chocolate and potato chips would be...hmmm...www.hardlyhousewives.com.

  53. I'm going to pretend that I'm making this to include in my assortment of homemade candy that I'm giving out, but I have a sneaking suspicion that I'll end up eating it all myself.

  54. Here you go again. And I just got done reading an article about how people who lose weight gain it all back, too! This looks seriously dangerous to my waistline. Nice work. :D

  55. I just tried making this, but it was a disaster because the white chocolate chips would not melt into a smooth creamy texture. Instead they melted into a grainy, mealy mass that was very difficult to work with. I decided to use it anyways and am waiting for it to cool right now, but I'm wondering, what did I do wrong in terms of melting the chocolate? I used Ghirardelli white chocolate chips on a double broiler. I didn't have cream on hand so I used 2% milk. I would love your input on this.

  56. Liz:

    sorry that happened. sounds exactly like you melted the white chocolate way too fast over a high heat OR too long. could it be the water was too hot? or maybe you didn't stir it enough while melting? I've had white chocolate seize right up on me if i walked away or heated it too long. Also, adding the cream to the chips before they melt will help it melt better too. If you add the cream in after the chocolate is melted it will seize right up. hope this helps you?


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