
sea salted buttermilk biscuits stuffed w/ chocolate

Years ago when I lived in Washington, DC for a stint there was this place called Bread & Chocolate. When I first saw the sign I thought now there's a great concept: bread and chocolate, how fabulous is that? And I literally thought they sold bread with chocolate in some sort of manner; curious of course to see how and which way they did it; also thinking this is a great fondue idea too. But no they just sold regular bakery goods and fresh french bread. Very dissapointing. In all my food travels, meeting other foodies, I've learned from others that bread, salt and chocolate do pair very well together and I've seen it done many ways. My favorite being a sourdough french toast stuffed with milk chocolate. (I need to recreate that at home). But for now here is my take on three of my favorite ingredients: buttermilk biscuits, Scharffen Berger chocolate and sea salt. Seriously this combo is incredible, especially when they are just warm, fresh out of the oven.
One could make this a fancy dessert by adding fresh chopped strawberries and freshly whipped cream. Delightful.

Sea salted buttermilk biscuits stuffed w/ milk chocolate
biscuit recipe loosely adapted from Cook's Illustrated
print recipe

2 cups flour
1 TB baking powder
1 TB sugar
1 ts salt
½ ts baking soda
5 TB unsalted butter, grated
1 ½ cup buttermilk
1-inch of 2-inch chunks of high quality milk chocolate
Additional flour
2 TB melted butter
Pinches of sea salt for lightly dusting the tops

A small bowl with ¼ cup of flour, set aside (used for your hands when touching the flour)
Grate your 5 TB of butter with a cheese grater or food processor, place back in freezer till ready to use.
Preheat oven to 500ºF. Spray a jellyroll pan with nonstick spray and/or parchment paper.
Get your additional 2 TB of melted butter ready to go.

In a large bowl mix the flour, baking powder, baking soda, sugar and salt.
Using a fork or pastry blender, mix the butter until you have small little crumbles.
Next fold in the buttermilk until everything is just blended, and there are no streaks of flour remain.
Do not overmix, the mixture should still be fairly lumpy—lumpy is good!
These next parts you need to work fairly fast as we want to keep the dough nice and chilled and not work it too much. Coat your hands with flour and using a spoon scoop out about an 1/8 of a cup of dough. Form into a bottom half of a biscuit, place in a chunk of chocolate; don’t let the chocolate touch the edges. Then scoop out another 1/8 of a cup of dough and place on top. Pinch the two halves together, so the biscuit is nice and sealed up. Flour up your hands again and repeat.
Place the dough balls into the prepared cookie sheet. Brush the tops of the biscuits with melted butter, then dust them with the sea salt (light coating of sea salt).
Bake for 5 minutes at 500ºF (middle rack) and then lower the temperature to 450ºF and bake for another 10 to 15 minutes. (cooks Illustrated says 15 but I'm telling you to watch them at the 10 minute mark).
Should make about 10 – 12; depending on size you make your biscuits.


  1. I was totally fooled by Bread & Chocolate, too. What a crock! But, these? These look amazing. You're on a roll.

  2. Looks and sounds amazing. I can't wait to try this!

  3. mmm - ok so if you open a cafe, you need to call it Salty but Sweet (or something along those lines :)). What a great idea. These would make such a fun breakfast

  4. woah, you're ideas are always great! How do u do that? I love this combination, love the name, love the chocolate. Love. Thanks for these!


  5. a friend of mine from france told me about a "gouté" (goo-tay) which means ""taste or snack" that he had everyday after school - we ended up eating this every afternoon at work and it was a fresh baguette with unsalted butter and either dark or milk chocolate bar crumbled over the buttered bread - this reminds me of that....mmmmmmmm

  6. Fantasticos, realmente deliciosos.


  7. These look delicious! We call them scones in Australia and they're one of my FAVOURITE tea-accompaniments! The sea salt would be a terrific addition with the chocolate! Can't wait to try!

  8. These look incredible. Yum!

  9. OH MY GOD! must go bake these now!

  10. I've never seen biscuits with chocolate. That must be so good.

  11. Mmmm, warm biscuits with chocolate. I couldn't ask for anything more right now.

  12. I recently saw a blogger post a "recipe" for toast covered in melted chocolate and topped with sea salt. This definitely takes that up a notch! Or fifty notches! who's counting, just hand over the biscuits and no one will get hurt.

  13. Oh my, any leftovers? These biscuits are all of my favorite flavors in one!

  14. I would love this as a simple snack with coffee.

  15. I used to go to a cafe called Bread & Chocolate in St. Paul MN (not related to DC place) - who could possibly resist eating at such an appetizingly named place? The chocolate-stuffed buttermilk biscuits are the perfect embodiment of the name. I would love dozens, please!

  16. Well since the DC bakery didn't get it right, maybe it's time for you to open a bakery with bread and chocolate paired together!

  17. Oh, you've combined two of my very favorite things - love it!

  18. oh my gosh...this is a dream come true! it's like the southern version of pain du chocolat...heaven!

  19. The perfect sweet and savory combo in my book. Momma needs some in her Xmas stocking...willing to deliver? I'll supply the Baileys.

  20. I'm not a bit biscuit person but put some chocolate in there and I'm all over it.

  21. Hi Dawn, This blend would no doubt taste great! I would like try this fine creations from the best creator!!
    Thank you, Dawn :)

  22. OH MY GAWD!!!!

    I must have these. Like now. Are you taking orders?

  23. Want....it.....now! ;) Fabulous recipe and I will be giving it a whirl. ;) The title of the post so had me clicking double time...ehehe.

  24. Oh yeah...seriously Dawn. Move to Tampa so we can feed each other our goodies and make each other really really fat! Fat is the new thin!

  25. I have never had chocolate in my biscuits before. Look delicious though - esp those crunchy edges!

  26. I'm impressed. You make biscuits like a southern girl.:)

  27. what a nice treat to have - especially with the secret chocolate stuffed in the middle!

  28. I would like a stocking filled with these instead of Christmas presents.

  29. this is a southern foodie's dream biscuit. heck, let's be honest. it should be anyone's dream biscuit! excellent invention.

  30. Great idea to combine the two and yes, while in FRance as a teenager our favorite afterschool snack was a baguette with a chocolate bar inside!

  31. Holy cow. These look scary good.

  32. wow, it's like a chocolate croissant... except a buttermilk biscuit. love it with a salty top! yeah, when are you opening your own bakery? etsy shop?

  33. These look incredible! Love them! Happy Holidays Dawn!

  34. See? I told you. You ARE the queen of baked goods. Brilliant!

  35. Hmmmm....these look absolutely delicious! I will certainly try and make them! :)

  36. Oo sounds like a heavenly combo to me! I think the only time I've had bread and chocolate together was a chocolate bread pudding..but I want to give this a try!

  37. These look so elegant and delicious!!

  38. OMG! Biscuits with a surprise center of dark chocolate? I'm in love! ;)

  39. Yummy yum yum. Nothing better than sea salt and chocolate!

  40. Bread and chocolate is a heavenly combination (hello, baguette and nutella...what I lived on when I lived in Europe!). This sounds incredible!

  41. Is bread and chocolate really such an élite concept?
    Bread and Nutella was probably the most common snack when I was a kid.
    Still... I will try those buscuits!
    Love the blog!

  42. I'm finally getting around to linking these (no pics, tho : O ) ). So yummy!

  43. Hi Dawn. I'm back again, this time in search of a tasty biscuit recipe. And here it is! We're making an old family recipe for chocolate sauce that covers the biscuits so I've omitted the choc within the biscuit recipe...this time. Next time I will make these bad boys just the way you intended them. Love the sea salt/chocolate combo. Thanks again for yet another amazing recipe!

  44. so.... i am buying buttermilk tomorrow. cause that is the only thing i am missing to make these. i am addicted to salty and sweet. what would i do without you???

  45. *raises hand* Erm, I just made these and only 6 minutes into the second cooking time (yes, I lowered the temp when I wa sspposed to!) they were over twice as brown as the ones pictured.....they still taste amazing, I'm just curious about the cooking times!

  46. I think adding the 10-15 minutes would be great, because they were really good, but some ovens(like mine) must just run hotter!

    Great idea about the berries, we also added some left over whipped ganache to the mix.....yum!

    I love you blog, keep up the great work! =)


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