
greek nachos

greek nachos

So the superbowl is coming up. I'm not a big fan of football, but any event that gives me a reason to eat appetizer-based foods is a reason to celebrate. Right? And I'm hoping that Bravo TV will do us non-football fans a favor and run a couple Top Chef marathons? In my eyes, appetizer-type foods are really the best pig out foods, as long as there are a few to choose from. If you are looking for an easy appetizer to serve for a superbowl party, make sure to add this one to your list. It is very easy to assemble together and has incredible layers of flavors. These greek nachos I stole from my friend over at Macheesmo. (Originally they come from Mark Bittman). With these greek nachos, I pretty much followed the recipe, but used whole wheat pita instead and omitted the mint as I am not a fan of mint unless it's in ice cream form.
I also added in a few more spices to the meat and pita. The sauce for these nachos is OUTSTANDING. Oh heavens was it good. I had some leftover and used it on sammies, as a dip and with my hummus rollup. A very versatile sauce indeed.

greek nachos

Ideas for your superbowl party:

Don't forget those cheesy tater tots I made. You know I can't forget them.

Want to get a little funky and make some pineapple-bacon crackers?

How about some hummus with artichoke bread?

Or maybe some agedd cheddar & cranberry crackers? Savory indeed.

The one dish that would steal the show is my General Dawn's Tso Chicken. Can easily be served as an appetizer.

Do you want fries with that? Sweet potato fries w/ spicy caramelized onion-horsey sauce

Make mini curry chicken burgers w/ tzatziki sauce

Are you a slider fan? Try these tangy capicola & cheese sliders outstanding & very addicting! I warned you.

greek nachos

Greek Nachos
(adapted from mark bittman via Macheesmo)
print recipe

12-16 pitas, cut into eights. (I used whole wheat)
1 1/2 pounds ground lamb (I used ground beef)
1 ts cumin
(I used 1 oversized ts greek oregano)

Olive oil, about ¼ cup or so, for the coating on the chips
Salt & Pepper for chips
(I used some garlic & onion powder for chips)
(I sprinkled the chips, just before baking, with paprika)

Feta Sauce:
1 Container (17.6 ounces) Greek yogurt
1 to 1 1/2 Cups Feta Cheese
1 Lemon, juice and zest
3 TB fresh mint (did not use this)
2 TB olive oil

Toppings: (whatever your taste buds crave)
1 red pepper, diced
1/4 Cup sun-dried tomatoes, diced (I used regular tomatoes)
1/2 Cup feta, crumbled
1/4 Cup kalamata olives, diced
1/2 red onion, sliced
1 cucumber, peeled, seeded, and diced
2 jalapenos, de-seeded and diced

Take a small bowl, fill with ¼ cup (or less) of olive oil, mix in some salt & pepper, and a few pinches of garlic & onions powders, mix well.
Heat oven to 400 degrees. Take your cut pita wedges and place on a baking sheet, make sure not to overlap them. Brush or drizzle the chips with a generous amount of the oil mixture. Just before baking sprinkle them all with a light coating of paprika. Bake until they begin to color, turning once or twice, about 10 minutes or less. When done you may or may not need to sprinkle with salt. Do a taste test and see. Keep the chips warm in the oven until ready to use.

In a blender or food processor, combine feta, yogurt, 1/4 cup olive oil, zest and juice of lemon; sprinkle with salt and pepper. Blend or process until smooth. (You can also mash mixture by hand, with a fork.)

Put two tablespoons of oil in a skillet over medium-high heat and cook onions until soft, about 5 minutes. Add beef, cumin, Greek oregano, and sprinkle with salt and pepper; continue cooking until meat is cooked through, about 5 to 10 minutes more.
Put chips on a serving plate and top with beef mixture, sauce, tomatoes, cucumbers, olives, and whatever else you desire. I highly recommend using the olives, red onions, and cukes. Should serve four.


  1. You read my mind! I was thinking about creating some healthier nachos this year...and Greek popped up in my mind. Looking good!!!! I hope you are getting situated at the new place!

  2. I can not wait to make these! Phil hates feta cheese...but Phil is in meetings all day and will not be home for dinner. Greek nachos all to myself!! So creative and perfect Dawn...thank you! :)

  3. I love all nachos, but feta sauce just sounds like the best thing ever.

  4. I wasn't planning on watching the Super Bowl (darn you, Saints!) but I'll do whatever it takes to have some of this! There is so very much to love about these Greek nachos - your blatant thievery from Macheesmo is well and truly appreciated.

  5. Nice work! The sauce is really amazing. I've since made it to just eat with pita ;)

  6. What a fun idea! I love any variation on the usual snooze-worthy game day food. Greek flavors are a bonus!

  7. Thank you so much for the Superbowl menu, it will take the agonizing of what to make a little easier.Love the Greek nachos!

  8. Love the idea of these greek nachos! A fun/different twist on the originals! Hope you have a good week

  9. I am so with you on the pigging out thing! That is the best part of the Superbowl. I would totally devour these in minutes.

  10. Thanks for the nudge...I too saw Nick's post and I'm gonna have to whip these up..too good to resist.

  11. I'm not into football either, but I love nachos. These look awesome!

  12. you sound like me, trying to figure out what i can do on super bowl day BESIDES watch the game

  13. Oh heaven on a plate...

  14. apps are a perfect reason to celebrate :) especially when your team isn't in the superbowl! fabulous nachos, my dear!

  15. Droooool.... Must make these. Vegan or not!

  16. Ummm, yeah! These would rock at my par-tee.

  17. I don't like football either but I love the look of these Greek nachos. What a great idea : )

  18. The second I saw the picture, my mouth watered. I would take any kind of Nacho...

  19. these are a great idea - I also only watch for the snacks - and the halftime show and the commercials...

  20. The food is the best part about football anyways! Everybody knows that. If you serve up good food, nobody will pay attention to the score. :)

  21. Dawn you do come up with the best appetizers on the web! Great recipe roundup.Thanks!

  22. yum! that sauce sounds amazing!

  23. Greek nachos! Oh my!! That looks divine!

  24. All you silly's and your don't like football...

    It's football. The meanest, baddest, coolest, hardest hittinest, most awesomest sport on the planet...

    Which I will stop watching for these nachos... for about 10 seconds while I pile them on my plate and RUN BACK to my front row seat yea babyyyy!

    Go COLTS!

  25. Nachos are our favorite meal we make after church on Sundays. We get pretty creative.

    I would love to try your Greek Nachos! By the way, we are having a SOUPER BOWL PARTY, hehe!

  26. That? Is pretty awesome. Go Bittman. And how could I have missed the bacon pineapple crackers?!?! Match made in heaven!

  27. I love the twist to a classic comfort food. Definitely a perfect snack for this superbowl.

  28. Yummm I need some of these nachos! They look great.

  29. and here i thought nothing could be better than authentic mexican-style nachos. this creation definitely vies for best batch o' nachos ever, dawn. love it.

  30. Brilliant! Healthy nachos! Can't wait to make this for Super Bowl snacking. (I'd pass on the mint too; don't know why, but it's just not my favorite flavor with savory dishes. I watch chefs use it on the Food Network and I think to myself: that ruined the dish for me. How odd.)

  31. This is great to snack on! Sports and me don't cross paths =P

  32. I love nachos of any stripe. These look amazing! Super creative, you!

  33. This looks so good - in fact I love all the recipes that you linked to!! You are the queen of snack treats!

  34. How about if I come over and you can just make me a sampler platter of everything listed? Sounds good to me! I definitely want to try these nachos with the Greek flavors. You are so creative Dawn.

  35. What a yummy twist on nachos!!!

  36. I think I would watch the game only so I could eat those nachos lol!

  37. What do you have for hangover cures? This is going to be a bad superbowl for me because I a huge Colts fan.

    I like this idea and it will also help knock down on the massive bag of pitas that are relaxing in the freezer.

  38. superbowl nachos? it works for all sorts of things right? soccer, drama series, movies :D

  39. great flavor combos - love it. your nachos looks amazing and so perfect for the big game.

  40. I love the idea of greek nachos, these would be a huge hit at my house!

  41. A meal of appetizers yum! Those nachos look great!

  42. I want this for dinner! I am really bummed I don't have all the ingredients on hand.

  43. Oh I am TOTALLY with you. Is there any other reason to watch the Superbowl besides the snacks? Yum and yum.

  44. This is such a creative take on nachos. I hope that this means you a fully settled in to your new place. GREG

  45. I'm not a big football fan either but I am a fan of football food, especially when it's food like this. Looks delicious.

  46. I love the saltiness of the feta. I'm going to makes these but i think i'll have to fight a.J. for my fair share!

  47. Interesting way to have nachos!

  48. Considering I love anything Greek, and I salivate for nachos this dish is clearly a winner for me.

  49. This is the kind of food I love, so tasty! Great super bowl ideas too, delish!

    By the way I loved your ginger cookies too, especially the decoration.

  50. Those nachos look good! I made some a while ago and I seasoned the lamb with a souvlaki style marinade.

  51. I'm a nacho lover, but I've never seen any like these! They sound amazing.

  52. I'm sold. Oh my I would love to taste your greek nachos.


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