
Giveaway! Bakers Field Guide Books



The kind folks over at Harvard Common Press has donated a free set of the Baker's Filed Guide by Dede Wilson. Four books total including: bakers' field guide to chocolate chip cookies, baker's field guide to holiday candy & confections, baker's field guide to cupcakes (my favorite), and baker's field guide to christmas cookies. I was over the moon thrilled to do this giveaway as this are some of the best cookbooks I've come across in a while. Very detailed, very easy to follow and the size of the book is handy for in the kitchen--nothing big and bulky.

click me for details

Each book is set up in a unique, practical, and engaging “field guide” format that gives home bakers the lowdown on every little, delicious detail of each creation, making the baking process fun—like it should be!—for adults and kids alike. Whimsical creations come to life through each recipe’s breakdown, complemented by vibrant four-color photography that makes mouths water even before the first aromatic
whiff of fresh cookies seeps out through the oven door.
And nobody makes a better “field guide” than Dede Wilson, a contributing editor for Bon Appétit. She has written over a dozen baking books and continues to receive national recognition for her creations and baking innovations. Her baking prowess and her wit shine in these well-loved Baker’s Field Guides, now available for the first time in paperback (and at lower prices), making them more accessible and userfriendly
than ever before! All four guides—Cupcakes, Holiday Candy & Confections, Chocolate Chip Cookies, and Christmas Cookies—promise festive, fun treats for the whole family.
Dede Wilson has written over a dozen books, including Christmas Cooking for Dummies, Appetizers for Dummies, and The Wedding Cake Book. She is a contributing editor to Bon Appétit, for which she writes articles as well as makes frequent television appearances on NBC's TODAY and Dr. Oz, among other shows. She lives in Amherst, Massachusetts.

I'm partial to the cupcake cookbook. It has a huge variety of cupcakes as well as frostings. This one recipe is bookmarked.

Can you see all the tips they give for each recipe? I love that. Brilliant idea.


To win ALL four cookbooks, all you have to do is leave a comment here telling me which book you would open first. Which one is calling to you. Is it the cupcake, the chocolate chip, the holiday candy & confections, or the christmas cookie?
I will do the drawing on November 6, 2011.


  1. Definitely the chocolate chip! I am always on the search for the perfect chocolate chip cookie!

  2. Ack! Can I open them all at once?? I supposed I'd go with Holiday Candy and Confections...just to step out of my comfort zone. Thanks for the giveaway.

  3. I would head straight for the Christmas cookie book. I love to make cookies around the holidays and I am always looking for new ones.

    msgb245 at gmail dot com

  4. Definitely the chocolate chip cookie book! I am always on the hunt for the perfect chocolate chip cookie!

  5. Christmas cookies!!!! I totally want to host another cookie exchange this year

  6. I would probably open the christmas cookie book first. I spend almost the whole month of December last year making cookies and I loved every minute of it.

    jinxy112 at gmail dot com

  7. Oooh cupcakes, I LOVE cupcakes!

  8. Wow, I'm the first to comment!
    I guess either the Christmas Cookie book (since I'm already planning on what to make for Christmas) or the Chocolate chip because you can't go wrong with brown sugar, butter & chocolate :)

  9. I would definitely head straight to the chocolate chip book - my life has been weirdly lacking in chocolate lately...

  10. most likely the Holiday Candy one! trying to plan what to make for my kid's teachers for Christmas.

  11. I just love to make Christmas cookies AND fudge. Which one will I open first. While I decide which of those to go with I will look at the cupcakes which are a favorite of my little adopted Grand-kids :^)

  12. Tough decision, but I do believe I hear the Holiday Candy and Confections beckoning me :)

  13. I was going to say straight to the cupcakes! (because I have a weird obsession with them) but then I realized, in the spirit of expanding my repertoire - christmas cookie! (since I dont have a holiday themed book)

    Thanks for filling my life with your beautiful pictures and recipes! I'm heading home this weekend to make the cake filled pb cups for my brother's birthday :)

  14. Definitely cupcakes - love looking at different ways to decorate and present them. I am addicted to frosting cupcakes : ) It's too fun!

  15. Probably the chocolate chip cookie guide, those are still my all time favorite cookie and I'm always trying different recipes to find the perfect one.

  16. Christmas cookie because I can't help but be attracted to everything Christmas.

  17. oOo the chocolate chip cookie guide would def have my heart!! they are my weakness and i love every kind :) the cupcake book definitely gets a close second though!

  18. Candy and Confections. I make a huge assortment of homemade candies and chocolates to give out every year and I'm always looking for more recipes to add to my repertoire. It's fun to see people's reactions when you present them with a box of homemade chocolates, plus, it gives me an excuse to take it easy on the yoga and splurge on candy once a year.

  19. I would love to get into the Holiday candies and confections.

  20. The chocolate chip book definitely caught my eye- all of the bars and cookies on the cover just look so delicious! I would love to create some of my own from those recipes!

  21. I would open the Christmas cookie book, we need some new recipes in this family!!

  22. That's a hard call to make, but I would probably open the Holiday Candy and Confections book first to look for Christmas gift ideas.

  23. Hmmm... tough one. Since Christmas is coming, and since I love to give homemade gifts to people, I'd probably go with the Holiday Candy and Confections for new and fun ideas.

  24. Cupcakes! I love them and love decorating them!

  25. Chocolate chip cookie. DONE.

    Please pick me?

  26. I would open the xmas cookie book because it's that time of year, but I would probably give the set to my daughter who has just discovered baking while away at college and I want to encourage her.

  27. Me want cookies...me read chocolate chip cookies book first!

  28. Oh goodness, what a decision! I'm torn between the cupcake one and the Christmas cookie one. I guess the Christmas cookie book has a slight edge with the holidays creeping up on us! What a great giveaway!

  29. This is a toughy with so many delights to choose from. I would probably go with cookie one. It's the one time out of the year that my family is all together. I lost my father 2 years ago to cancer and my brother is in Iraq. Christmas has been slow but I think if I spoil everyone with a little Christmas cheer to bring their spirits bright then it would make everyone easier to cope with the holiday while our loved ones are gone. My brother hopefully will be home in time for Christmas but if not I would have to say I would make cookies and other sweets to send to the soldiers deployed. Our family is having a hard time this year and I think that if I bring Christmas Cheer this year for everyone to have a little piece of heaven, it will make everyone smile. Our family right now facing the hard times the Christmas Cookies will be memories of happier times when we were all together. I know too that my niece, nephews and my children are now all old enough to help me in the kitchen. It will help them to smile since Grandpa is in Heaven and my nephew's father is in Iraq. It's been hard for him not seeing his dad. I feel like I am the mother hen to all the kids to distract them from all the family hardships. I know that these books, recipes especially those for Christmas will help them to cope. We have baked together before but I think something new and some new ideas will be very fun! Thank you for doing this giveaway, and if I win, I will definitely appreciate it and share with everyone each and every experience.

    Warmest Regards,

  30. Without a doubt ... it would be the chocolate chip cookie book. Nothing beats a warm chocolate chip cookie fresh from the oven

  31. I would go for Christmas cookies... but I am just a Christmas nut.

    All of them look pretty awesome.

  32. I would open the cupcake cone first, but the chocolate chip one would definitely be opened before I could sleep.

  33. I love to do holiday baking so I think the christmas cookie book would be the one I'd dive into first!

  34. CUPCAKE!!! I have an unhealthy obsession with cupcakes. I love to make them. I love to eat them. I love to ooh and aah over incredibly talented cupcake creators! (Not to mention when I saw the page highlighting the champagne cupcake, my face lit up!)

    Keep up the great blog!

  35. The cupcake book..totally!!!

  36. Ummm easy. Cupcakes. They are my favorite baked good, after all!

  37. Chocolate Chip Cookies! These look fun.

  38. I would reach for the cupcake one first!

  39. Definitely the Candy & Confections as I'm always making goodies to give away at the holidays. Thanks for all the lovely recipes and pictures you post and for the giveaways. Always looking forward to opening your emails.

  40. The Christmas cookies of course! There is almost nothing I love more than baking cookies on Christmas in the wintertime.

  41. Holiday candy! I would love to be "that mom" who makes candy at Christmas!!!

  42. christmas cookies!!!

    gemini1077 at gmail dot com

  43. holiday candy and confections! but they all look great!

  44. Chocolate Chip. I always say that I want to do a side by side taste test with all the different recipes I use.

  45. They all look good, but I would have to say i would open the candy and confections cookbook first. I have made the matza crack and i have also made buttercrunch candy....but....i would really love to try making my ultimate favorite candy....the peppermint patty with dark chocolate....i need to master the art of dipping the patty into the chocolate.

  46. It would definitely be the chocolate chip cookie one. I'd love to see all the different twists on a classic recipe.

  47. Cupcake!!! I'm in culinary school now and will be opening the first cupcake only shop in my hometown.

  48. Christmas Cookies! It's time to start baking. :)

  49. It would be a tough one but at this time of year it would probably be the holiday cookie book because my annual cookie exchange is coming up!

  50. hmmm, probably candy and confections, b/c that's something i don't do a lot of!

  51. I would definitely open the chocolate chip cookie one first!

  52. I would have to open the holiday candy and confections book first, so that I could make some thing gooey for my grand children.

  53. I'm ALL about the Chocolate Chip Cookie book! Mmmmmm.

  54. the candy one. definitely the candy one

  55. I would definitely open up the cupcake book...I LOVE cupcakes!

  56. I would open the cupcake one for sure :)

  57. I would probably start with the Christmas cookie book.

  58. What gorgeous books!
    Since I am already comfortable making cookies and cupcakes and tend toward things that I would like to become better at it would be the Holiday Candy and Confections.

  59. holiday candy and confections!!

  60. Oh oh! I've wanted bakers field guides forever, this is awesome! I'd go for the Chocolate Chip first, because how can you not start with a classic?

    It won't let me login with google so my e-mail is judithavory at gmail dot com.

  61. Definitely the Christmas Cookie book. Our newspaper puts together driving routes to see the best Christmas lights. Readers send money (not really bids) to drive around with the columnist who does the routes, with the money going to a local food bank. The people winning the drives also get a pound and a half of my Christmas cookies. Maybe I'd also add some Holiday Candy and Confections.

  62. Definitely the Christmas cookie book!

  63. Holiday candy! Make for great gifts :)

  64. I would probably OPEN the chocolate chip book first, but it's almost time to start getting my xmas cookies in the freezer so I'd probably USE that one first. Unless I found a great chocolate chip cookie recipe to make for the xmas trays...:)

  65. Definitely the Holiday Candy cookbook. I can't wait to make fun treats soon!

  66. Holiday cookies! :) Perfect time of year to pick up some new favorites :)

  67. Hands down I would open the Holiday Cookies. I love Holiday baking!

  68. I've found what I consider to be the PERFECT chocolate chip cookie recipe - so I'd definitely open up the chocolate chip cookie book and see how mine stacks up! :) Maybe I could improve on perfect...

  69. Cupcakes! That's my nickname cause I use to always bake them for softball games as the 'team mom.' Granted, the players were middle aged coworkers....

  70. The Holiday Candy and confection. This would be perfect with the holidays coming up.

  71. Christmas cookie - we had so much fun last year decorating with royal icing that I'd love to expand my repertoire!

  72. I would pick up the Christmas cookie one first. I love finding new recipes for the holidays that I haven't seen before.

  73. I would open the holiday candy book first. I LOVE candy!!!!


  74. The cupcake book first but I admit the other three would also be calling to me. mtl166@verizon.net

  75. The chocolate chip cookie book is calling my name...and my husband's name. But that's only because he's on a mission to make the best chocolate chip cookies - for me. He hates them, but I love them :)

  76. To choose only one? I would choose the Holiday Candy and Confections! I am just getting in to baking and finding all the great looking and tasting things out there..... So many options....

  77. definitely chocolate chip cookie.


  78. It's a tough call, but with the season fast approachng, I think the Candy and
    Confections would win out - unless I needed some Chocolate chip cookies in the meantime to keep my strength up!

  79. I would open the chocolate chip cookie book first, but mostly because it's on top. Honestly, I'd pour through all of them from cover to cover with my post it flags. But chocolate chip cookies are pretty dang awesome.

  80. I think I'd look at the Christmas book first, in the hopes of finding something with a German background, to remind me of the ones I tried to make while living overseas and had to use metric measurements. (Ugh! I want the recipes in cups and teaspoons!)
    Thanks for the giveaway!!!!

  81. With the holidays coming, I think I would look at the Holiday Candy and Confections one first.

  82. Chocolate chip cookies all the way! I am still hoping to perfect my recipe.

  83. This is hard, but I guess Chocolate Chip Cookies!

  84. I would open the cupcake book. My fiance gets really excited when I make cupcakes. :)

  85. Christmas Cookies!

  86. I love making candy and baking holiday breads for gifts at Christmastime, so, I'd grab the Holiday Candy and Confections first!

  87. Ummmm....*Holiday Candy* caught my attention...always love trying a new candy for Christmas! Thanks for offering these for us! Cheers, Valerie.

  88. I would definitely go straight for the cupcake one!! I have a crazy obsession with cupcakes so it would be perfect for me!

  89. I would definitly look at the Holiday Candy book first!

  90. Pick me, pick me, pick me. Just kidding. Actually I am not. PICK ME! :)

  91. OOOOH! definitely a hard choice but I think the first one I would open would be the Christmas Cookie field guide!
    I usually spend the 12 days of Christmas, baking Christmas cookies and confections morning, noon and night.
    So I would love to try some new recipes from the Bakers Field Guide Books!

  92. I would definitely start with the Cupcake book. In my town, we have a range of cupcake vendors. Ranging from perfect cake and too much icing, to too thick cake and great icing. My turn to make the perfect one. Thanks in advance.

  93. I'm thinking Christmas Cookies, since it's the holiday season, but the Chocolate Chip one might get me since I have a strange inability to make chocolate chip cookies!

  94. I would reach for the chocolate chip! They have endless potential in baking and I can snack on them all the while!

  95. On a normal day, CUPCAKES... but because the holiday season is upon us...Christmas Cookies.

  96. Chocolate chip cookies. The world's most perfect food.


  97. i think holiday candy and confections only because i'm gearing up for a few weeks of home made gifts from the kitchen!!

  98. This is very difficult, I would have to go for the holiday confections and candy with it all being right around the corner.

  99. I would love to open the holiday candy one first! I am more of a candy maker then cookie maker :)

  100. It would be the Christmas Cookies book. That is a nice giveaway.

  101. Holiday Candy and confections is calling my name...I'm going to give some candy a try this year to give away...ciao4now64@yahoo.com

  102. Definitely the christmas cookies book. I'm a college student and I'm planning a cookie exchange at my apartment for when it gets colder.
    defygravity90 at gmail.com

  103. I think I'd go for the Holiday Candy and Confections.

  104. The cupcakes!
    Louis S.

  105. The chocolate chip cookies would be first, and then the Christmas cookies.

  106. I would most likely open the cupcake book first to see all the "pretties".

  107. Amanda Thompson10/28/11, 8:58 PM

    I would open the Holiday Candy & Confections first ~ I love candy at Christmas time!!


  108. I would open the Cupcake one first. I love making cupcakes. I have a lot of fun making them and sharing them =)

  109. Cupcakes all the way!! Could make
    these for New Year's Eve bash.

  110. The Christmas Cookies book makes me so excited for the upcoming holiday season !! cant wait

  111. Without a doubt, the Christmas cookie book.

  112. Definitely Christmas cookies. Something about the idea of Christmas cookies gets me excited for the holiday season more than anything else!

  113. I would choose the cupcake cookbook! I love looking for recipes for different flavor combinations in cupcakes.

  114. the chocolate chip cookie one!!

  115. I would open the Holiday Candy and Confections first. Seeing a book full of holiday treats gets me in the spirit.

  116. Vu le nombre de commentaire ta publication plait beaucoup et je partage
    Je te souhaite un bon grand week-end

  117. I'm ready for Christmas now so I'd be opening the Christmas cookies book first!

  118. Normally I'd say cupcakes, but I'd have to go with the chocolate chips one!

  119. I would open the Cupcake book first! I am obsessed with making cupcakes and love doing so! :) Hope I win!

  120. Oh my goodness! Holiday Candy and Confections for sure!

  121. the chocolate chip. i think chocolate chip cookies are all about the senses, i love to hear the reactions of my friends when they step into my home and can smell the chocolate chip cookie and I love watching their faces and demeanor change when they experience that first bite into a warm cookie. a chocolate chip cookie is more than a cookie, it's always associated with memory and it has a way of bringing you back to a place, time and person.

  122. Cupcake. Because cupcakes are like little individual servings of happiness, and I can never make enough.

  123. I would open the Christmas Cookies first, with not doubt.

  124. It would be a tossup between the Christmas and Cupcakes! What a cool set of books!

  125. The cupcake book because I am trying to bake 500 different cupcake recipes and am always on the look out for new recipes. Also, my friend turns 21 next month and loves champagne (just don't tell her parents lol)

  126. The Candy and Confections book!!! For Sure. I love making candy at Christmas time and am always on the hunt for more new candy recipes to try.

  127. The Christmas Cookie book! I love to bake for friends and family at Christmas. :)

  128. Cupcakes!!!!!


  129. Oh! Candy and confections I think - I love making and baking for my friends at Christmas :)

  130. Holiday Candy and Confections...every year I say I am going to delve into the world of candy making, even bought a great thermometer for it, and every year passes by and I don't do it! Need some inspiration and this book would be great for it!! : )

  131. I think I would have to choose between the cupcake and the candy /confections book.

  132. I would open the Cupcakes first! So many things you can do with cupcakes.

  133. Holiday Candy and Confections, for sure!

  134. Cupcakes! Much like you, I would definitely open the cupcake book first.

  135. The Christmas cookies would be the first one I'd open

  136. Cupcakes for me. My nephew adores them as well.....

  137. definitely the cupcakes one. I make them to take to church. Thanks for having the giveaway! :)

  138. I would definitely open the Christmas cookie book first. Especially since it's right around the corner. I love making any kind of cookies with Liam, but Christmas cookies are the best because we play Christmas music in the background, sing Christmas songs while we bake and it is just so memorable.

  139. I would have to open the Christmas Cookie Book first! Every Holiday season I make 15 different types of cookies to give out to family and friends! I would love to have new delicious recipes! :]

  140. I would like the Christmas Cookie Cookbook, because it is such a special time of year and cookies are wonderful for entertaining, and giving to friends and family.

  141. Holiday Candy and Confections to go with the lovely snowfall outside;)

  142. I would like the Christmas Cookie cookbook because I'm always in need of a good cookie for that time for both entertaining and giving away to family and friends.

  143. Definitely the cupcake! I love to see all the fun new ways to transform a cupcake.

  144. I would love all four, they would be perfect for my cookbook collection, but honestly, I have a thing for chocolate chip cookies, so I'm sure I'd open that one first!

  145. The cupcake book of course! Nothing better than a cupcake :)

  146. I would open the Christmas book first. My family throws a huge Christmas party each year which includes traditional Italian and "new fangled" desserts. I've been in charge for the past 3 years....last year there were 11 desserts prepared for the feast..I would love that book.

  147. A whole book on chocolate chip cookies?? Ofcourse that's my pick. I'd probably have tried them all within a month!

  148. Oh man, I can't decide between the Christmas oh how I love Christmas stuff and all its treats. But cupcakes are also oh so delicious. Just made sugar cookie stuffed cupcakes the other day mmm...

  149. Hi Dawn! I would open Christmas cookies first! it actually is time to start baking and freezing for the Holidays!

  150. I would definitely be interested in the cupcake book first. Love seeing all the amazing ways to jazz up a cupcake. Choco chip cookie is right up there as well!

  151. Definitely, I'll be opening the Christmas Cookie cookbook - I LIVE for Christmas and am counting the days :-)

  152. I would totally open the Christmas Cookie book, because I buy a new one or two each year. I don't know why, I just love the Christmas cookie cook books...now pick me :)

  153. Ooooh, these look amazing! Definitely adding them to my amazon wishlist in case I don't win. :) I would open the Christmas cookies book first because I am a HUGE sucker for making lots of kinds of Christmas cookies every year! :)

  154. I would go straight to Christmas Cookies, here is why.... My Mom loved to bake and Christmas was the time when she came alive in the kitchen, it was a pure self expression and it was how I learned. She has been gone for 8 years now and every Christmas, when I break out the Vanilla and Butter, she lives through me in the kitchen... SO I would open the Christmas book for sure!!!! Thanks for the opportunity to win the books..... Cheryl

  155. Definitely the cupcake book. I've been into cupcakes like crazy lately.

    sandycarter119 at hotmail dot com

  156. I would open the cupcakes; I am a cupcake making feigned. I love a good recipe for cupcakes. They are the best gift and I cannot wait to have new gifts to give :)

  157. Nicky D Cooks10/30/11, 5:37 PM

    Do I have to choose a book...they are all calling out to me. I would have all of them out at once and look at them all at the same time...lol

  158. Hands down, Christmas Cookies. They're the best part of the holiday season.

  159. I gotta go with the chocolate chip one! I'm so intrigued...a whole book dedicated to one kind of cookie? It's gotta be good!

    ~ Lyndsey

  160. the cupcakes! so many fun variations.

  161. With the holidays coming up I'd have to open to holiday cooking cookbook first.

  162. Holiday candy and confections... I am always looking for sweets to give as gifts!

  163. I think I would open the Holiday Candy and COnfections! I can't believe Thanksgiving and Christmas are right around the corner!!

  164. Definitely the Christmas Cookie one with Christmas fast approaching. I have wanted to start a cookie making Holiday tradition for a while, but haven't yet. Maybe this year!

  165. i would open the christmas cookies one! i am very excited for all the holiday baking that is fast approaching!

  166. I would definitely open up the Holiday candy book because I have always been curious as to how to make candies and I would love to try something new and fun for the holiday season!

  167. Of course the Christmas Cookies book! It's time for baking!

  168. Chocolate chip! Who doesn't love a chocolate chip cookie recipe?!

  169. Well, I would open up the chocolate chip cookie book right away! Then I would share the cupcake book with my sister who is the maker of all things cupcakes in our fam!

  170. I would have to say the Christmas cookie book. My son and I have been setting up "Cookie Central" every year at Christmas as far back as I can remeber. Last year I was in Iraq and this year he will be turning 14... not sure how much longer he will be interested in hanging out with mom baking and decorating Christmas cookies :(

  171. I would easily open the cupcake one first. Cupcakes are so versatile! They can be so many different flavors with so many different kinds of toppings, and they're super easy to decorate so they can always look amazing!

  172. ooooooo christmas cookies! i'd go nuts over this!

  173. I'd probably open the chocolate chip cookie book first. I have a fascination with cc cookies and have tried lots of different recipes.

  174. I would open the cupcake one first. I have 2 small nephews and they love it when auntie brings cupcakes!!!

  175. Oh the Christmas Cookies, I am so ready for holiday baking to begin :)

  176. Christmas Cookies! Especially since Christmas is coming up and my friends and I have a huge Christmas party where we all bring 2 dozen cookies-I need a recipe to wow them!

  177. i love these cook books. i would open each one .

  178. i love each cookbook. i would spend at least a few hours opening each one.

  179. The christmas Cookie book! i am determined to make a large batch of different cookies this year!

  180. I would be all about the candy book! I love making candy, even if it doesn't always turn out.

  181. Casey Granstedt11/3/11, 11:22 AM

    mmm this looks delicious

  182. I would definitely open the christmas cookie book...nothing beats christmas cookies! Then name alone warms you up inside :)

  183. Christmas cookies...always looking for a new one.

  184. they all look amazing.... I'd open up the Christmas Cookies cookbook first~ Christmas & Cookies are two of my favorite things! thanks for all the recipes you share! I enjoy your blog.

  185. It's 5 in the morning here and I want chocolate, so I would have to say the chocolate chip cookie book.

  186. I would open the cupcake book first. I love to experiment with flavors and I love to bring treats to parties. That champagne flute would be a great idea for a NYE party!

  187. Cupcake book all the way! My mouth is already watering!

  188. I would choose the holiday candy & confections book. I've recently gotten into candy making so I think it would be helpful. Though I'm sure I'd love them all.

    Your blog is fantastic, thanks for the giveaway!

  189. With 2 kids, I'm obsessed with cupcakes!! Definitely the cupcake book :)

  190. Positively the Holiday Candy and Confections book. Love to learn some new skills.


I love your comments!