
blackberry coulis ice cream w/ salty white chocolate-cream cheese chunks

blackberry coulis ice cream with salty white chocolate-cream cheese swirls

One of my big ice cream idols.....OK the man I worship and would repeat over and over "I'm not worthy" if I met them face to face are the geniuses behind the ice cream joint Humphry Slocombe. They literally have taken ice cream and kicked them up to notches unknown--and yeah that would be notches even Emeril himself would not recognize but be very proud of! They dub themselves as 'ice cream with attitude' --indeed. To name a few wild flavors: Jesus Juice, Peanut Butter Curry, Valhorona Fudge, Szechuan Strawberry, Skull Splitter Root Beer, Balsamic Caramel HELLO?....the list goes on and on. If I had a nickel for every time someone told me I should pack up my things and go work with them I'd have my boarding pass paid and in hand ready to go. Dare I say that the owner should have some of the best tastebuds on earth to create such unique pairings that indeed go very well together. For example, peanut butter curry: that sounds so good in ice cream form. A nice custard base filled with good quality peanut butter and a pinch of curry. Yes please. And one of my favorites is the caramel balsamic ice cream. Ridiculously good. Honestly I've made caramel scallops with a touch of thick balsamic vinegar and it was good.

blackberry coulis ice cream 11

The best part? Or should I say the best parts actually; it has been floating around the twitterverse that they are FINALLY coming out with their first ice cream cookbook. A cookbook I should add that can be used by all. You might need some fancy ingredients to match the flavors/ingredients they use but you will only need a simple standard ice cream maker. They have tested all their recipes using the same ice cream makers that you and I use in our homes. Brilliant. The book should be coming out spring 2012.
Go check out their flavors. I'll wait.

See? Now you feel me right? Mad ice cream scientists I tell you. Creative geniuses.
So this post: my funky blackberry coulis ice cream with salty white chocolate-cream cheese swirls is dedicated to you, the wonders, the geniuses of Humphry Slocombe.

blackberry coulis ice cream with salty white chocolate-cream cheese swirls

I saved a tiny bit of the coulis to drizzle over the ice cream. Please do try this at home. That coulis is the fruit of the gods over ice cream.

blackberry coulis
I used raspberries & blackberries, why not?

blackberry coulis ice cream with salty white chocolate-cream cheese swirls

I wanted chunks of white chocolate swirls in the ice cream so I mixed it in by hand. If I added them to the ice cream churning away they might just clump up or partially dissolve. If you add this in by hand, work fast. This ice cream, at this stage must get in the freezer ASAP.

blackberry coulis ice cream with salty white chocolate-cream cheese swirls

blackberry coulis ice cream w/ salty white chocolate-cream cheese chunks
recipe by vanillasugarblog.com
ice cream base partially adapted from Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream
print recipe

ice cream base:
2 eggs
½ cup + 1 TB white sugar
2 cups heavy cream
3/4 cup whole milk
Tiny pinch of sea salt

salty white chocolate-cream cheese chunks:
8 ounces of cream cheese, room temp
10 ounces of good quality white chocolate, chopped in small bits
1 ts of half & half
couple pinches of sea salt

blackberry coulis:
2 pints of blackberries
1 pint of raspberries
(or use 3 pints of blackberries and no raspberries)
The juice of one large lemon
A scant ¼ cup of white sugar
1 OR 1 ½ ts of sifted cornstarch (depending on how thick you want the sauce; I choose the latter)

make the coulis:
In a small saucepan add in the berries with the lemon and let them boil down a bit over medium heat. After about 10 minutes I added in the sugar. I then let it boil down some more until all the berries were dissolved. Once dissolved, take off the heat and add in the sifted cornstarch; mix well until it starts to thicken; stirring often. There should be no lumps or clumps. Let this cool a bit then strain it thru a fine mesh sieve. Store the finished coulis in the fridge for at least an hour before using. You want this nice and cold before adding to the ice cream mixture.

make the ice cream base:
Whisk the eggs in a mixing bowl until light and fluffy, about 2 minutes.

Whisk in the sugar, a little at a time, then continue to whisk until completely blended, about 1 minute more. Pour in the cream and milk and whisk to blend.
Pour this into the ice cream maker and start churning.
When the ice cream just starts to slightly harden add in ¾ of the blackberry coulis. (if you want to save some of the coulis for decorating the ice cream then only use about ¾). If you don’t want to save any of the coulis for later then feel free to add it all into the ice cream.
Let the coulis and ice cream base continue to churn while you work on the white chocolate cream cheese chunk filling.

While the ice cream is churning away make the white chocolate-cream cheese chunk by adding the 1 ts of half and half to a medium saucepan along with the cream cheese. Let this melt a bit, do not dissolve. Once it’s partially dissolved, add in the white chocolate chunks and a few pinches of salt. You want the white chocolate chunks to be half melted. Recipe by Dawn Finicane of vanillasugarblog.com Don’t let them melt all the way. When in doubt, keep stirring and keep taking off the heat. You want a consistency of “almost” Ganache. Basically you still want some chunks of white chocolate in there; a thick like Ganache. Do a quick taste test and see if you want more salt. If not then go back to the ice cream, take the ice cream out of the churn and place in a big glass or ceramic bowl. This is when you have to work quickly. Pour the ice cream into the bowl and then pour in the melted white chocolate swirls into the ice cream by quick, simple FOLDS. Do not completely stir it in, just fold in so we achieve nice swirls. Do this fast, then cover it, and right into the freezer for at least 5 hours to harden.
When ready to serve, serve with fresh blackberries and/or any remaining blackberry coulis you have left.

Should make a little over a quart.


  1. Jesus juice! What a name!! This looks insane good. Salty white chocolate cream cheese chunks! amazing

  2. Will you be my neighbor, please? YUM.

  3. damn sista' this looks so DAMN good - its a tempest of a storm out and I would love to have some of this to make being indoors so much more comfy

  4. That looks so delicious! It looks so freaking creamy! :D

  5. Love it! Plus you've just reminded me that I haven't made ice cream in ages.

  6. Whoa, that looks fantastic!

  7. "Jesus Juice"..wonder what that one tastes like??? lol
    I am loving your creation. I must get an icecream book

  8. I love all the ice cream recipes you've posted this summer. Never thought it would be worth it to get an ice-cream maker, but after reading through all of these (and drooling over your pictures!) I might just have to cave!

  9. I went to Humphry Slocombe when I was in SF in June...browned butter ice cream. HEAVEN.

    this is totally worthy of their ice cream selection. Salty white chocolate cream cheese chunks - seriously. Amazing.

  10. This should be a sin that would send me to hell with a great big smile on my face!

  11. Oh, fantastic! What a delightful combination. Your ice cream must taste divine.



  12. OMG, this ice cream looks like heaven! This would not survive in my freezer.

  13. I need a scoop of this right now! Looks so good!

  14. This ice cream is just so beautiful, that first photo is haunting me! The ingredients in this just sound crazy good, I may have to break my no ice cream making rule (which I made for my own good) and try this.

  15. I want-a this. now. good God the white chocolate cream cheese chunks are calling my name.

  16. PB curry does sound amazing! As does this flavor - the white chocolate cream cheese chunks sound like they'd be perfect in almost any flavor...yum! :)

  17. i'm a little speechless right now... balsamic caramel? yes, please. why didn't i hit this place up when in SF? love all you've got goin on in here, the coulis and which choc swirl- yum.

  18. right now i can't think of a finer phrase than "salty white chocolate cream cheese chunks.' :)

  19. Your ice cream looks SO GOOD. I love the sweet and salty combination.

  20. Dawn I love love love your passion! And your blackberry coulis ice cream w/SWCCC!

  21. It's because of creations like this one that I love you so much. Could not look more delicious. So much so that I wish I could swim in a pool full of this ice cream. Any way we could arrange that?

  22. Well, I guess it's about time to invest in an ice cream maker!

  23. Everything about this post is simply torture for me because: 1) I had to leave my ice cream maker in storage back in MN when we moved to Manila; 2) I'm about 7 THOUSAND miles away from Humphry Slocombe. So all I can do is look and sigh deeply in want...

  24. You are so absolutely amazing!

  25. Wow. Speechless. Drooling. Need I say more?

  26. See, it's things like this that make me bemoan my lack of ice cream maker.

  27. I just discovered your blog and the first two posts I see are pizza and ice cream, love it! :)

  28. Your creativity is never ending and so inspiring. Do you have the Jenni's ice cream book yet? The flavors aren't quite as unusual or daring but are still pretty darn good. We get such amazing blackberries around here, I'm thinking I just want some coulis!

  29. This looks so amazing. I just can never get enough ice cream.

  30. this sounds great! it seams like a lot of work, but i bet it is worth it

  31. Now that is an amazing ice cream! I like that the white chocolate and cream cheese are hand mixed in to keep them from mixing in too well and disappearing.

  32. I have blackberries in the freezer from last season.


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