
summer so far....

Haven't been baking much. Since we had almost 9 months of winter, I promised myself during those 9 months of torture I would take more time out in the summer to enjoy as much as I can. I dearly love cape cod, as much as I complain I don't (in the winter) I do love it here and would miss it dearly when we finally move back to cali. This post is some of the things I've been up to this summer, so far....

Been spending as much time as I can at the ocean, the marina, the beach, anything ocean related. I don't own a boat, but have friends that do--good friends. Here is hyannis harbor--jam packed with boats.

hyannis marina

Can you see off in the distance the Hyline Ferry coming into the small harbor? Oy! It's a tiny harbor too, but those steamships are able to rotate 180 degrees as opposed to backing up and pulling forward. It's really cool to see.

hyannis marina

hyannis marina

But once you're out of the harbor it's kind of nice. Can you imagine living in this house? Seriously great views. Cold ass cold in the winter though. Would you do it? I would.

hyannis outer banks

Love the solitude the middle of the ocean can give to you.

hyannis outer banks

Corporation Beach in Dennis, MA at low tide is the place to be for long walks IN the water--you can walk out for a while before you hit deep water.



Head over to cape cod national seashore to see the giant seals. And I mean giant. These seals were huge, about 7 of them that day. I wish I could have gotten better shots for you guys but I only have an iphone. I felt bad about having just an iphone because the day I was there a lot of people with big fancy cameras were all set up waiting for the seals to come to the surface. These seals were quick and you need a fast camera to capture them. I saw them but the photo didn't take so well. The arrow is where one seal is.



Some swell on the cape.


The Nauset coast guard station has their swimsuits hanging out to dry. I just love this. And right around the corner were the surfboards.


These signs are new and are everywhere at the national seashore. Which is good because the rip current is powerful.

Picnik collage

Traffic is awful here. We only have 2 lanes and two ways off the island.




But once you cross the cape cod canal you're on way to less traffic.


Cape Cod Grecian festival: ate my weight in greek food. Honeyballs. Oh yes.


A gyro every hour is ok with me.


Another round? Sure, why not!


Fresh, homemade baklava. Sweet sarah this is the real deal.


Ready for ice cream. I'm always ready for ice cream. I wonder how many quarts of ice cream I've eaten so far this summer? Yeah, let's not.


I'm thankful to have a husband that has no problem sharing his ice cream with me when I've devoured mine.


It's been hot here, even for cape cod.


Stay cool everyone!



  1. ah....cape cod in the summer = baseball and ice cream to me. but that traffic. do NOT miss that! that's why hubby and i always went off-season!

  2. i LOVE when you do these posts of the Cape. i just think it's so cool to see a glimpse of where you live. I am from Vancouver, Canada so VERY different. I want to head to the east coast one day. :)

  3. Ahhhh. I wish I was there!

  4. Wow! The food looks epic. Beautiful beaches too =)

  5. thanks for the trip, now I want a gyro

  6. If I could stare out at that harbor all day then I probably wouldn't do much baking either. But as it is, I'm staring at a construction site. So into the kitchen I go...

  7. Beautiful photos! I wish I ate as much ice cream as you ;).

  8. This summer seems alot better than summers past...maybe because its hot and humid, then we get a break...as opposed to the last few years where its cold through July 4, then hot and hazy until Halloween......

  9. gorgeous! i miss the beach so much in the summer.

    and gyros are a good idea, any time. we had some last week - so, so good.

  10. What a great summer you seem to be having. Love the photos

  11. Oh... how I would love to live in Cape Cod. I am from Kansas....and would love to live near the ocean. Beautiful pictures! Loved seeing all the Greek food... I am Greek and love love baklava, tiropetes, and gyros. Thanks so much for sharing your pictures!!!

  12. Thanks for the sneak peak into this life I have never seen. Seems quite special from here... GREG

  13. Ohhh it looks so beautiful!

    Your ice cream looks beautiful too. I want to eat a lot of those honeyballs.

  14. Homemade honey balls and baklava?! Girl, you've got the life. Looks like a gorgeous summer to me!

  15. It's too hot to bake. Keep getting out there and enjoying your summer!

  16. honeyballs? yum. and that ice cream. i want to spend more time on the cape...

  17. Love that area and I've been on that ferry many times!
    Your photos are a delight; there's just something about sitting and watching the ocean and the harbor. Sometimes there is total peace, other times I'm fascinated by the activity.

  18. Your coastal pictures are making me wish I was there! And you're really teasing me with the photos of gyros and ice cream! I can't seem to get enough of either! :)

  19. i've never been a boat person myself, but i've always been a gyro and baklava kind of gal. :)

  20. Looks like a lovely summer

  21. Hard to bake when it's THAT hot, that's for sure. But heck, why even bake when you can have glorious Greek honey fritters instead? YUM!

  22. It looks like you're having a fun and delicious summer! I haven't made it to the beach this year--it's about 70 miles away--so I might need to change that.

  23. I love your photos. Just visited Cape Cod last week and wish I were there now!

  24. I love your photos. It is such a beautiful place. I would deal with the cold winters to live is such a beautiful place too.

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