
chicago dog err sausage

Summer is here. And wow was it hot and humid in the northeast. Here on cape cod we were slammed with extreme weather very fast. Our spring meant we literally went from electric blankets to A/C in a matter of days. Wild. When it gets too hot to cook inside I like to go outside and grill. Did anyone cook this weekend? Lately we've been eating a lot of ice cream for lunch and dinner; humidity when it gets to 100% and a dew point of 70 or higher literally zaps your appetite. But I did manage to sneak in these Chicago dogs. OK they aren't the authentic Chicago Dog but its kind of close. I first saw this recipe over at my buddy Nick's site: macheesemo. I tend to make a lot of what he makes. He's got good taste and easy to follow recipes. I need to know how he stays so thin though....
Instead of using hot dogs I used sausages with a nice char on them. I know I know it's not really a true Chicago dog, but then again I never ever follow the rules. If you want the original way head over to see Nick. He even made the relish from scratch. Good man. If you like charred sausages, sweet pepper relish on your dog then I'm your best bet. Whatever you choose....please make sure you butter and toast them rolls people! Makes all the difference.

chicago dog (my way)

kielbasa, Italian sausage or beef franks, grilled with nice crispy char
grainy mustard
pickles, sliced
tomatoes, sliced
white onions, diced
sweet pepper relish
celery salt

buttered & grilled hot dog rolls

grill up your sausages
butter and grill up your hot buns
layer the buns in this order:
mayonnaise, mustard, pickles, tomatoes, white onions, sweet pepper relish, and then a sprinkling of celery salt.
Serve with baked beans. Enjoy.


  1. What a great holiday eat! And a side of baked beans? Yes, please! Very necessary :) Hope your week is off to a nice start

  2. I just had a similar dog for lunch (couldn't agree more about the bun!) and they really are great. Ice cream for lunch is not too bad either ;)

  3. well i know what we're having this weekend. Summer is on :)

  4. Your Chicago Dog looks delicious. I am going to copy your picture next time we have them for dinner. I usually dice all the veggies and your version looks much prettier. We haven't made them since our last camping trip a year ago. It's time!

  5. go ahead and slap me why dont you-

  6. Now you have me craving a hot dog. I didn't have any this weekend.

  7. I can already tell my dear that you are bbq master. I haven't eaten a hot dog in...15 years. And yet you've made me crave one.

  8. Well, isn't that the best looking dog I've ever seen?!
    Thanks for the link to macheesemo. Have never been there and am going over now, if this is any idea of what's doing there. :)

  9. Now that's summer food :). It's been awfully hot here in metrowest Boston as well - let's hope this weather doesn't continue for the rest of the summer!

  10. Oh my god. I just found your blog and love it and now I'm really craving a hot dog! :)

  11. THat picture looks so good, I feel like I can almost taste it.
    *kisses* HH

  12. Ohhh yes please.
    Wait, your not hungry when it is hot? Damn, what is the matter with me? I am hungry when it is hot OR cold

  13. You know I just love a good Chicago dog every once in a while. It's why I gain 5 lbs. every year during Spring training. ;)

  14. why do i come here hungry? it only makes it worse :)

  15. Oh man is that drool worthy... I really, really, REALLY want one RIGHT NOW!

  16. There's a place by my house that has a weekly special with these. I have yet to try.

  17. I never follow the rules so these are fine by me. Plus I'd rather have a sausage over a hotdog anyday. :-)

  18. Hi,
    That looks and sounds yummy, thanks for sharing.

  19. I am a total condiment fiend, so all the toppings are my fave part of a Chicago dog. In fact, if there wasn't even a sausage or dog inside, I probably wouldn't miss it. ;)

  20. I love Chicago. I love sausages. I love this Chicago dog err sausage!! 8-)

  21. i don't eat my hot dogs this way at all, but i'll be darned if it doesn't look positively scrumptious!

  22. woah, amazing looking dog!! I've been doing a lot of indoor grilling these days.

  23. Crazy, I just made a hot dog for my brother today almost EXACTLY like this! Yumm :)

  24. You know I love you and I love your recipes, but it's breaking my heart that everyone is calling this a Chicago dog! It's soooo not. It still looks super yummy, though! And I would totally scarf down like five of these right now. Drool.

  25. you are so my girl...I love rule breakers! lol.

  26. Totally drooling over these.

    It is totally crazy weather this year.

  27. I LOVE hot dogs! It's so cool how every city has a different way of making them. In San Diego we use a lot of guacamole and jalapenos =P This look fantastic, so fresh with the veggies on it!


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