
bbq-blue cheese burgers w/ tomato-blue cheese slaw

Burgers. Kicked up burgers in this house are a staple. Never used to be that way though. Hubby (who is not yet a foodie I might add) used love McGross burgers. Imagine my shock when I found that out. Here he is thinking the big mac sauce is the bomb. The what? No no. Took me a few years to get him to like burgers with layers of flavors and textures. The first one I gave him he de-constructed it only to leave it de-constructed. Everything was scraped off, until he had bun and beef. What is it Linus says? "ohhh bother". So fast forward five years ahead and hubby now loves my burgers, well not all; I can't get too funky....yet. I can go a little funky as long as the basics are in there: like cheese, tomato, and a dressing. Last night was a proud moment in my foodie life. My hubby who comes home late at times, reheated his burger and put it together without me there to guide him through how to assemble it. You see when I make gourmet burgers (or gourmet anything for that matter) I store his burger separately, making sure to leave said bun and toppings on separate plate: the cold plate; while the burger and cheese: the hot plate are on another plate. This is all for the ease of heating up and proper assembly back together. What? All foodies do this right? LOL And normally I reheat all this for him when he comes home AND put it together ready for eating. But last night, he did it all himself. Knew exactly how to reheat the hot parts and pile on the cold parts. Pretty cool huh? Slowly but surely my hubby is turning into a foodie. Now if I could just get him to learn how to roll sushi we'd be happy happy.
These juicy kicked up burgers are very easy to make. Nothing more than a burger stuffed with a good, giant hunk (or 2) of aged blue cheese in the middle, fry or grill, last 5 minutes of frying or grilling (I recommend grilling) pour on the bbq sauce and let it caramelize. Put on toasted, buttered bun, then top with tomato-blue cheese slaw. Done and done. Easy right?

bbq-blue cheese burgers w/ tomato-blue cheese slaw

bbq-blue cheese burgers w/ tomato-blue cheese slaw
print recipe

1 lb. ground beef (I prefer grass fed, humanely raised, safe beef from Whole Foods Market)
8 generous Tablespoons of quality-aged blue cheese (2 TB's per burger)
barbecue sauce
toasted & buttered buns

for the slaw:
2-3 chopped tomatoes, no seeds
thousand island dressing
a couple handfuls of chopped blue cheese (or more)
broccoli or regular chopped slaw (cabbage)
salt & pepper to taste

For the slaw: mix all ingredients in a bowl. Cover and let chill in fridge till ready to use.

Get your cast iron pan, fry pan or grill ready. I highly recommend using a grill--it helps the bbq sauce to harden and caramelize.
Form 4 beef patties, split in half, place about 2 TB of the blue cheese in middle, close up good, seal edges.
On the last 5 minutes of cooking the burgers add on the bbq sauce and let it harden and caramelize on both sides.
Place on toasted bun, then top with the chilled tomato-blue cheese slaw. Should make 4 burgers.

Note: high quality blue cheese with melt right into the meat. The flavor will be there, you just won't see the ooey cheese.


  1. That burger pic is pure foodporn! Love the addition of blue cheese to both the burger patty and the slaw. YUM :)

  2. LOL, you say "The What?" OMG, Raul and I have a field day over this.

  3. Baby steps! And I believe its Winnie the Pooh who says "oh bother," though perhaps Linus does as well.

    That is one fantastic looking burger!

  4. I need to try these BBQ blue cheese burgers!

  5. Trying to decide what I want more right now, the burger or the bun. Both look incredibly good!

  6. Not a foodie yet? With all your awesome cooking and baking? I can't believe that. That burger looks amazing. McD's will never hold a candle to that!

  7. Do you make your buns? I need a good hamburger bun recipe.. mine are always dense and thick. I was light and crisp yet soft.

  8. And to think they say you can't teach an old dog new tricks (not that he's old, but...you know what I mean.) Well done my dear!

  9. Oh man. That burger looks and sounds so fantastic. I just had breakfast and my mouth is watering! YUM

  10. The ultimate burger! My hubs would love this!

  11. YEAH!!!!!!! This burger Rocked!!!!!!! I want another!!!!!!!!!!

  12. I love blue cheese in a burger...also with a little bacon. This looks fantastic!

  13. glad he was able to assemble correctly ;) love that it's burger season again!!!

  14. Now this is a generously fabulous burger. Great for all the BBQ's on the horizon :)

  15. These sound awesome, especially with the tomato blue cheese slaw. Perfect for the next time we grill out...

  16. I love a good juicy burger with lots of different flavors! Well done!

  17. Mmm, these sound SOOO good, I wish we had a grill! And I can't believe your hubby isn't a foodie yet with all your fabulous creations!

  18. if there is blue cheese as an option, i will always add it to my burger. that slaw sounds incredible and like it could take great on a piece of cardboard, so im sure that burger is the freaking bomb!

  19. I am shocked to learn your hubby is not a foodie! I am not sure I could get my mouth around that burger..but I would sure try!

  20. Wow! That is most definitely a kicked up burger! Burgers are in heavy rotation here... we're trying to not eat them the same way twice :)

  21. That burger looks extremely scrumptious! A real beauty. Blue cheese is so tasty.



  22. hallelujah! hallelujah! hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah! this is magnificent, a burger for which i'd gladly unhinge my jaw. :)

  23. I'm not a fan of Bleu Chez do you have any suggestions for a substitute? It does look soooo tasty though!

  24. Is there anything better than thousand island dressing? Homemade only though. It's good on everything! Love the idea of stuffing a burger with blue cheese. There used to be those restaurant in Michigan that did it; think they used red wine in the mix too.

  25. Ya know - I'm not usually a big slaw fan, but I could totally go for this burger!

  26. I don't even like blue cheese really and I'm drooling. I want this so much right now. :( Lol!

  27. I just need to bring a wipe cloth to the computer with me when I view your site because I always drool. Literally. Truly. Drool.

  28. Yummy, we Minnesotans are known to love a good stuffed burger or what we call a Juicy Lucy

  29. Hubs would love the blue cheese all over his burger too. This just blows away the Mac 10 times over.

  30. Blue cheese works well in slaw and this burger is looking really good!

  31. Love it! I always need another burger idea. We love burgers, too. And slaw on top is one of my favorite condiments. Food porn indeed.

  32. Burger looks awesome...I think I might be in love with that slaw!!!

  33. Thank you for posting this recipe. I made this slaw all summer long! We love it at our house. I think I'm going to use it for some Buffalo Chicken Sliders too.


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