
sweet potato fries w/ cheeseburger

OK not the most glamorous dish I know. Don't click away. At least think of this dish as meal that you can create/customize to your own liking. If you don't like what I put on it, think about putting your own types of proteins on it. This can easily be a meal; a tasty and creative meal when you break it down and think about the endless toppings that go with sweet potatoes: be it sweet or savory. Still with me? Good.
So lately, with this head cold I've been craving all kinds of foods and creations. Plus I am addicted to sweet potato fries--who isn't? Sweet potatoes are so good for you; nutritional powerhouse, loaded with Vitamin A, and have anti-inflammatory properties which I didn't know. Click here for more info. This dish is really tasty, fast to put together, and almost carb-less. Other inspiration came about from a comment I received when I made the infamous "cheeseburger & sweet potato fries pizza". A person said how they wished they could have this pizza, but are off carbs for a while. Of course that got me thinking why not try and make a "almost" carb-less version of that pizza, but just as tasty? And the best part with this dish is the no carb crash & burn later (which I hate). I know sweet potatoes have some carbs in them, the good carbs. The first round of this I made for breakfast, topping it with cooked sausage and eggs. GOOD stuff! I craved it again and made this version with the cheeseburger.
If you do make this, and I know I will again and again, try it topped with a fried egg or two. And yes, those are pickles on there, but they are bread & butter (sweet). Dill pickles do NOT go too well with this. Also, you all know I have a fussy hubby that hates vegetables and fruits BUT he eats this, all of it. And his dad loves me for that and gives me kisses for it too. Gotta love that right? :-)
The show "The Best Thing I Ever Ate" is that an excellent show or what? Well one episode they had sweet potato fries loaded with chili, and then another they had Chef Cat Cora giving us her favorite way. So glad to see and hear that sweet potatoes are quickly becoming popular, and even made into restaurant-like chains and food trucks. Wouldn't that be fabulous to have a food truck that serves up sweet potato fries topped with various fresh toppings, themes, and trio's of dipping sauces? I would get my fries topped with a taco salad or maybe a good thai style peanut sauce. If I was in a sweet mood, maybe some warm melted peanut butter with a hint of maple syrup and raisins. How would you top your sweet potato fries?

sweet potato fries w/ cheeseburger
print recipe

1 pack of frozen sweet potato fries
1 pound of ground beef
salt & pepper
couple dashes of Worcestershire sauce
1/2 - 1 cup of shredded sharp cheddar cheese
bread & butter pickles, optional but amazing
ketchup, optional but wonderful

Other ideas:
a couple fried eggs on top
caramelized onions

Bake fries according to package direction.
Brown ground beef.
In the last few minutes of browning the beef add in the Worcestershire sauce, then add in the cheese. Take off heat.
Layer fries on a plate, then add the cheeseburger mixture, and pickles. Or whatever else you fancy.


  1. I love that in this recipe the sweet potato fries are in the spotlight vs. the cheeseburger! So fun. And the pickles are a great touch. Hole you have a wonderful weekend!

  2. This is great! My calorie counter says I need more carsb so I guess I should just do the full pizza ;)

  3. I already have the pizza recipe bookmarked, so I guess I will be adding this one right underneath it ;).

  4. Sweet potatoes are so good for you that I like to think of them as negative calorie carbs. Thus, they don't count. And they help to LOWER blood sugar. So same difference. And honestly...I'd much rather have them than pizza. So good.

  5. They serve fries with all kinds of toppings. A French Canadian treat would be poutine which I must admit to being my favourite but this would come a close second.

  6. I would totally eat this, with a couple of bottles of super-frosty San Miguel Light beer. It's like tuberlicious nachos! Oooo, maybe I can slice the sweet potatoes into flat chips...

  7. girl we are on the same wavelength! i bought some sweet potatoes today to do a veggie version of this!

  8. This would be great with chili too; I had that just a few days ago. I like the addition of the pickles.

  9. Oh my goodness. Sweet potato fries rule my life. This looks awesome!

  10. This is the perfect Friday night "Four Weddings/ Say Yes to the Dress" marathon kind of meal. Looks delicious!

  11. Oh my gosh! I love this!!!I'm totally gonna do this..

  12. yum, yum, yum. I love all your creations!

  13. I've never had sweet potatoes before but this looks and sounds delicious! I also love that it's practically carb free. I'm sure my family will love it as well, thanks!

  14. Glamorous or not, it is undoubtedly genius.

  15. Hello beauitful. This is the perfect comfort food Dawn. You always come up with the best combinations!!!

  16. Now I am getting hungry!! Love the blend of flavors :)

  17. While it may not be glamorous, it looks totally delicious. I will take this over glam any day.

  18. i might love this a bit more than the pizza... but maybe i should try both to compare ;)

  19. I don't think I've ever seen frozen sweet potato fries...must find!

  20. A couple of Korean BBQ trucks are really popular around here, and they sell things like sweet potato tacos. (And "duck fat tater tots," which are really popular.)

    ...oh. Sweet potato tater tots? That should be done. :)

  21. i can see myself making this for the guys to eat while they watch sports on tv, but i'd only do it so i could have my own plateful in the kitchen. :)

  22. ha not what I was expecting when I first read the title in my google reader---but this looks AWESOME! anything with sp fries and i'm game :)

  23. WoW! thinks is delicious.. wanna try this one.=)


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