
giveaway time - two cookbooks!

****Contest Closed**** :-(
You know what? I have cabin fever and I'm cranky because we have WAY too many snowstorms already and it's only the beginning of January people. Of course to make myself feel even worse I read the Farmers Almanac and it said we are going to get a ton of storms. Yay! Wonderful. Isn't that great?
So to cheer myself up, I want to make you happy by having a giveaway. See if you're happy then I get happy.
I want to give away a couple fabulous cookbooks. If you are a cake lover; a kicked up cake lover that is, like me, then these are the books for you. The winner will receive BOTH of these cookbooks by Warren Brown. The cake god himself. I adore Warren Brown. He is the owner of Cake Love Bakery. Remember when he had the show Sugar Rush on the Food Network? That was such a good, relaxing show; I miss that. That and Gale Gands Sweet Dreams. I wish Warren would come back to TV, but I hear he's a busy man. If you go check out his website, he has a free cake app. How cool is that? And the best part, I hear he's super sweet--definitely a chill person with mad decorating skills; definitely a super nice person you want to bake and create with. Check out his blog too!

All you have to do is leave ONE comment with your name and email address about your all time favorite cake. And you could win BOTH of these cookbooks. Yep both.
Let's do the drawing on 1/23/2011.
Please no anynomous entries. Have a valid NAME and EMAIL address.
It might help you win if you become a fan on FB & Twitter.
Hahaha, kidding. I kid, I tease.


  1. WHAT a giveaway! I agree....even the South is getting pounded. Whats up with this craziness? I'd love to win these cook books. I haven't had a lot of experience with cake making and would love to expand my skills. I think the best cake I've ever had was a german chocolate cake. My name is Erica ;) and my email address is itzyskitchen at gmail dot com

  2. Texas Sheet Cake with pecans. Gooey Butter Cake is a close second.

  3. My all time favorite cake comes from a recipe I found at my Great Grandmother's house. It's called Hummingbird Cake. It is absolutely delicious and always reminds me of being small at Grandma's house.
    The recipe combines banana, cinnamon, walnuts, and crushed pineapples. The flavor is so unique and the recipe is tightly guarded in our family.
    -Kelly, kclay1214@hotmail.com

  4. My all-time favourite cake? This drumstick cake/pie at my family's favourite Italian restaurant back home. Ice cream with peanut butter layers, crunchy peanuts and chocolate syrup... To. die. for. We always get one piece and the four of us share it. I guess it's also my favourite cake because of all the great moments associated with it... :)

  5. Fun giveaway!!

    My favorite cake is a yellow cake and chocolate frosting, I can't let a slice pass me!

    xladyf54 at gmail dot com

  6. favorite cake? chocolate pudding cake by all means! although chocolate matcha bundt also tugs at my heart.

  7. I'm Jennnifer

    My favorite cake...please do not laugh is strawberry cake from the box with Strawberry icing...store bought too

  8. I would love these! Your recipes are always so neat. :)
    My favorite cake is my mom's triple chocolate cake with chocolate chips in the frosting. :)
    My name is Shelby.
    My email is country.girl9@yahoo.com


  9. I love cake! My favorites are chocolate cake with peanubutter frosting AND orange cake with fudge frosting.

  10. My favorite cake is a burnt sugar cake I made for my birthday last year.

    jinxy112 at gmail dot com

    thank you

  11. How on earth to pick just one? The best cake I have ever eaten - a multi layered plum cake with cream and pastry when I was in Germany. No idea how to make it, but I still think about it 15 years later.

  12. So excited about this - I have been lusting after CakeLove for awhile now... the best cake I ever made was a carrot cake with cream cheese frosting, studded with pecans around the outside. Westville restaurants in NYC have amazing carrot cake and chocolate souffles to die for!

  13. I probably shouldn't enter, because I already won your cookbook giveaway (Baked Explorations), but I'm greedy and I'm entering anyway. :)

  14. my favorite cake is a single round funfetti cake (meaning you have a spare cake, which is always swell to have around), on top of a layer of chocolate ice cream, itself on top of a layer of chocolate, which is, finally, on top of a cake sized cookie. white frosting. eat alone with your roommate, rejoycing about for once not having a crapton of people over eating your food.
    corig123 @ gmail.com

  15. My favorite cake is actually homemade "Pilgrim Bread" which I make as cake and top with a homemade vanilla cream frosting.

  16. all time favorite cake: my mom's homemade chocolate cake and homemade chocolate icing. Priceless. And it proves that homemade = always better than boxed or premade!

  17. hi, I'm intxaurtsu....intxaurtsu@gmail.com
    My favourite cake is the traditional american apple cake, I do love it

  18. My favorite cake would have to be molten chocolate cake. The type that has ooey, gooey chocolate in the middle that melts out when you take a bit. Yum!

    My name is Michelle and my email is michelle.ballow at gmail.com. Thanks for hosting such a fun giveaway!

  19. Holy Moley I love cakes! Lemon buttermilk pound cake always makes me extra happy. Thanks for your recipes--they are delish. rebekahewood[at]gmail[dot]com

  20. Awesome giveaway! My all time favorite cake is the raspberry cake made in my hometown! Not too sweet, moist and delicious!

  21. I like Ina Garten's yellow sheet cake with chocolate frosting. Basic, but done really well.

  22. Hands down favorite - yellow layer cake with chocolate frosting. :-)

    panini dot happy at yahoo dot com

  23. hi,I'm Lisa and my favorite cake is cheesecake -- lemon to be specific. :)


  24. Chocolate peanut butter cake! Chocolate cake, peanut butter filling, chocolate buttercream frosting, peanut butter glaze! It's amazing.

  25. My favorite cake is German Chocolate Cake - love the coconut frosting!


  26. Samantha samantha.lavorato@hotmail.com
    Hummingbird cake by a mile!


  27. My all-time favorite cake is one I just started baking recently, and I've already been informed by my family that I'm not allowed to bake any other kind! It's a Chocolate-Avocado cake, and yes, it IS slap-your-mama good. :)

  28. Chocolate cake with chocolate buttercream! I live in DC and I still haven't tried Cake Love bakery...I should be ashamed of myself.

    - Maggie

  29. What a great giveaway. We did not get much snow yet and I am happy about it. I love a good Opera Cake. My favorite.

  30. Guinness chocolate cake with Bailey's Irish Cream frosting. Forever my fave.

  31. My favorite is German Chocolate! These books look amazing...

    annepatterson (at) gmail (dot) com

  32. i love white chocolate cake with a simple lemon buttercream!

  33. I'd have to say it's Black Forest Cake...at least that's my choice today. (truenorth67 AT gmail dot com)

  34. Yummmmmmm. My very favorite cake is: carrot cake with real bits of carrots and raisins and cream cheese icing!! wilcose@gmail.com

  35. Pistachio almond cake is one of my favorites. Diazandrea79@gmail.com
    andrea suskey

  36. My favorite cake is the 7 layer chocolate fudge cake that my mom and dad made growing up. It takes two people to get it just right and tastes amazing!

  37. My all time favorite cake is a strawberry shortcake. I can't get enough of it. rhisomers(at)gmail(dot)com

  38. My favorite cake is truffe framboise from this bakery in san diego, ca. It has fresh raspberries and layers of chocolate cake. It's also surrounded by a chocolate mousse. Thinking about it makes me want one!

  39. Kathleen Fontaine1/12/11, 3:23 PM

    For my 5th birthday my mom made a huge layered cake for my party and made a Christmas Tree (as my birthday's in December) out of icing that stood about 8 inches tall - 5 inches in diameter, complete with "garland", "colored lights", and a "star" on top. It was the most delicious and moist chocolate fudge cake......yum!

  40. I hear ya on the snow, we have been getting slammed up north! My favorite type of cake was an ice cream cake I made last year for my boyfriend's mom. It had vanilla cake on the bottom layer and strawberry ice in the middle and topped with another layer of vanilla cake. Whipped cream and fresh strawberries on top made it even better.

    my email is: amanda@beachsidebakery.com :)

  41. The chocolate fudge with French cream filling I made for the first time as a birthday cake for one of our daughters on Dec. 23 has become my all-time favorite! Taking a narrow lead over German chocolate, which incidentally won me a blue ribbon at the fair two years in a row. I just found your site today!

  42. I love pound cake.

    rchandsa at yahoo

  43. All time favorite cake? That's tough. I think the cake I made for Rauliot's birthday (Cuban opera cake) was definitely one of the best.

  44. Ohhh,I LOVE my carrot cake recipe! It's the BEST carrot cake ever, even if I do say so myself! :)

  45. I will never say no to a red velvet cake or a moist vanilla bean cake.

  46. My favorite cake ever is strawberry cake with strawberry buttercream frosting. SO NUMMY! :)


  47. I love CAKE and would love these books. I also loved his show. My favorite cake is a sour cream pound cake. Brandy tebbe@comcast.net

  48. When my mom was alive she always made an orange slice candy cake for Thanksgiving. Still my all time favorite!
    Linda Taylor

  49. Fresh Coconut Cake--used to help my grandmother make it at Christmas. She would grate the coconuts herself and let me put the coconut milk on the layers. Then she and my grandfather would make the 7 minute frosting together! Definitely a cake that reminds me of great LOVE and FAMILY :)

  50. My favorite cake is strawberry short cake - yum!

  51. White chocolate cake with raspberry swirl in it...yummm! Sarah

  52. What an awesome giveaway!!! Thanks for doing it!!! I live in Idaho and I totally understand your crankiness, I can't wait for spring and summer! My favorite cake has to be plain old vanilla or yellow cake with white chocolate chips and half a can of condensed milk baked and then the rest of the can added to it! Super sweet but amazing!

    Whitney Vasquez

  53. My favorite cake is an iced lemon pound cake. That said, I am an equal opportunity consumer and wouldn't turn my nose up at anything!

  54. It has to be carrot cake, but I am the only one who would eat it. So, I never make them. Cheesecake has the same problem. That would be even more dangerous.

  55. Italian Cream Cake-served for special occasions-
    sponge cake, rum flavored custard -one chocolate layer, one vanilla,
    covered in whipped cream and toasted walnuts

  56. Chocolate birthday cake. For some reason birthday cake always tastes better!

  57. my favorite is a rich dark chocolate double layer cake with a whipped cream type frosting and a big scoop of vanilla ice cream. My b-day is soon and I am looking forward to a slice ( or maybe two )

  58. My favorite cake is green tea layer cake with green tea cream cheese frosting! Absolutely delightful!

    Here is the link:

  59. italian cream cake--my mom's recipe! :)

    natalie (natalie.mclaury at gmail dot com)

  60. I have a super-dense chocolate bundt cake that I make that I alter somewhat by adding different liqueurs to the batter. My friends in England refer to it as 'That Chocolate Thing You Do' and request it every time they're stateside!

  61. i love, love, love cake. it's so hard to decide what my fav is. it quite possibly might be a coconut cake that my grandma makes. mmmmmm!
    my name is brooke. you can contact me at brookeelizabeth5@yahoo.com

  62. A simple chocolate bundt topped with powdered sugar that my dad would bake for me at every birthday.

  63. Great giveaway! My all-time favorite cake is red velvet with cream cheese icing.

    cjpeacockbird at gmail dot com

  64. A double chocolate cake that used a chocolate cake base then after baking punch holes into it and soak it with dark chocolate sauce and ice with a dark chocolate butter cream icing.

  65. carrot cake coconut, walnuts, raisins, and pineapple and cream cheese frosting. Done and done, I could devour the entire cake!

  66. Best cake would be Dark Chocolate Raspberry cake with Chocolate Buttercream icing. YUMM!!!

  67. Dark Chocolate Raspberry with Chocolate buttercream icing.

  68. The best cake I have ever had was the Betty Crocker recipe for carrot cake with cream cheese frosting, sans walnuts. It`s just too yummy for words.
    but at the end of the day, Im a `purist. Give me a chocolate cake with chocolate frosting any day.


  69. Lemon cake with a little lemon curd!!


  70. Wow, thanks for the giveaway! Who doesn't love some good cake? My very favorite cake is from a restaurant in central Florida, so that doesn't really count. But, I also love a good Texas chocolate sheet cake. And Paula Deen's gooey butter cakes are so so good.

    snbjork at gmail dot com

  71. Three favorites stand out: Tres Leche cake that I made for the first time this year. Used a recipe by Alton Brown. So good. Second would be "the" cake my Mother-in-law makes for birthdays. It is the chocolate cake recipe found on the can of Hershey's cocoa powder but it is so good. Third would be my Mom's individual pineapple upside down cakes. Yum. - Ilene, ilefkowitz@gmail.com

  72. a free cake app? sounds like that needs to go on my phone :) ~sigh~ all this snow, and i'm still at work...

  73. Carrot cake is my favorite of all cakes, but anything homemade is best. Would love to win the cookbooks.

  74. Awesome! Canèt eat much these days, but when I do partake (and that is WAY too much), cheesecake is like Kryptonite to me. And Black Forest, and chiffon, and limonchello, and tirimisu, and ice cream, and ¨please stop me... I WILL keep going you know! ~ It's sometimes hard being a Diabetic! LOL}

  75. Carrot Cake with Cream cheese frosting. It was my mom's favorite. She's been gone 7 years and we still have it every Thanksgiving because her birthday is at the end of November. It is my fav not only for the awesome recipe but because it makes me feel so good inside when I remember the reason we eat it.

  76. I have to pick ONE kind of CAKE!? I have three words for you...Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate. :-)

    tricia at malobicky dot com

  77. Chocolate cake!
    june_spirit2628 at hotmail dot com

  78. My fave is called Rodeo Mocha Chocolate Cake.....a very moist, fudge, luscious, buttermilk based concoction! What's not to love about chocolate and espresso? Yummm

  79. I love eating so much it's terribly difficult to pick a single all-time favourite cake! But upon deeper reflections, it has to be a carrot cake with a whole load of walnuts in it, lined and topped with cheese!! *drools*

  80. any kind of cake with real whip cream icing

  81. My friend makes the best cake. She takes a butter recipe cake mix and makes it as directed but she also adds about 2 cups of Peanut Butter Cup ice cream. The ice cream just makes it sooooo moist. Then we top it with a piece of Hershey's Cookies and Cream candy bar. MMMMMMMM! It's so simple but soooooo delicious!

    Kari Howell
    LCH2004 at gmail dot com

  82. The Strawberry Lemon Poppyseed layer cake from the famous Rick Dessert Diner in Sacramento California. I punished that slice of cake, it never had a chance. From Lo lmolina222@hotmail.com

  83. My favorite kind of cake is Tres Leches! Yum!!!


  84. My fave is a rum pound cake from fine cooking. Its a very zen cake. It seems plain and unassuming but will knock your socks off!

  85. A vanilla sponge cake layered with lemon curd and frosted with lemony SMBC.

  86. I love cake, but I haven't strayed far from cake mix yet...pineapple upside down cake would be my favorite at the moment.

  87. My favorite cake is a hot milk cake that my mom made to me each birthday. But I also love carrot cake with the cream cheese icing mmmmm

  88. Emily Wells emilywells10@gmail.com My all time favorite cake is a recipe my grandmother used to make called an Ugly Duckling Pudding Cake.

  89. My all time favorite cake is a classic yellow cake with buttercream frosting.... add a little vanilla ice cream... HEAVEN.

    Amanda Turtlegirlcrafts@yahoo.com

  90. Oh we are so tired of snow here in MN too! Favorite cake...hmmm I think the fresh strawberry cake I made a few summers ago might be the winner.

  91. Oh goodness my tastebuds are turning! My favorite cake is buttery pound cake, I can't resist.


  92. Tough! But I think German Chocolate...because it reminds me of my grandmother!

  93. My favorite cakes are Italian Creme and German Chocolate, and only when they are made by my granny!

  94. my favorite cake is dark chocolate with not too sweet chocolate icing or ganache. anything thats not to sweet is fine by me :)

  95. White chocolate pound cake with raspberry icing :)

  96. Fantastic giveaway.
    My favorite cake is pound cake next to my manderine orange/chocolate cheesecake both of these are the most requested cakes that I make.
    My name is Laurie and my e-mail is lauriebarton@msn.com

  97. LOVE Friendship Bread which is really a cake--especially when you add a generous handful of chocolate chips! THE BEST!

  98. Strawberry cake made with REAL strawberries in the frosting (and, I confess, fake strawberry jello in the cake)...see, I need a cake cookbook :)

  99. super mega obscene cake lover! Right here! Ugh we had snow again today. I'm sick of it.

  100. I LOVE CAKE!!! favortie would have to be chocolate cake with cream cheese frosting :)


  101. Chocolate cake with vanilla butter cream. With a big tall glass of very cooold milk on a hot summer day. Oh and sprinkles on top of the cake, those colorful flower-shaped ones. Yeah.

  102. i found a cooking light recipe for an apple cinnamon cake. it was delicious!

  103. I love Ina Garten's Chocolate layer cake. Its delicious! My name is Amanda and my email is simpleeasyanddelicious@gmail.com

  104. My Favorite Cake is a Cake my Aunt always made for my Dad Bruce whenever we went to visit. She called it Bruce Cake it's a Dense Almond flavored Pound Cake that she baked in a Bundt pan it was always a Choose your own toppings and had to be served Warm..
    My Favorite Cake though that i had the Opportunity from Cake love was Crunchy Feet :-)


  105. I absolutely Love Buttermilk sheet cake...yum..yum..yummers!

    Julie Pia

  106. I read that too in the Farmers Almanac. Man, you guys have been getting pelted havent you.

    A very nice giveaway!

  107. I would love to try gooey butter cake. heard so many good things about it! i love anything chocolate too!
    email is: cmdrayer@yahoo.com

  108. My favorite cake would have to be hummingbird cake, which is basically a banana and pineapple bundt cake with pineapple icing. I would never have thought to put those two fruits together on my own, but I found this recipe in one of my mom's cookbooks and made it on a whim, and man was it delicious.
    >>>Kezia, kzstew@aol.com

  109. A cake app? Good God there goes my hips!

    Favorite cake of all time is German Chocolate Cake.

  110. I love Jello Poke cake. I know it's kind of cheesy but it's still my favorite, especially with cool whip icing.


  111. Thanks! Cheesecake, that's a cake, right?!?!?

  112. The Motherlode Cake from Claim Jumper!

    clarahuh at gmail.com

  113. I love my mom's Mint Chocolate bundt cake! Melody- melodyholland@comcast.net

  114. j.hillam@yahoo.com
    Favorite cake has to be spice cake with toffee sauce. Scrumptious.

  115. well if cheesecake counts as a "cake" that would certainly be my favorite hands down. after that would come gingerbread in the fall/winter and lemon & blueberry in the spring/summter.

    jacquieastemborski AT comcast DOT net

  116. boston cream pie sounds like a pie but its the bestest yummiest cake in the world! my name is michelle at michelleinkley@hotmai.com

  117. I love a Sour Cream Pound Cake !!
    This is a great give away! I love making all different cakes !!

  118. Awesome giveaway :) We are getting a lot of snow here (ok well not a lot compared to last year - but they keep saying its going to be a lot).

    My favorite cake is a fresh strawberry cake layered with strawberry sauce AND lots and lots of whipped vanilla icing.

    My name is Alyssa and my email address is alyssakuminski at gmail dot com and my blog is fashionfitnessfoodie.wordpress.com

  119. I love any kind of baking books so would love these. My favorite cake has to be German's Chocolate Cake. In fact, I think I need to make it again.

  120. My all time favorite cake is a homemade apple nut pound cake that I make in a bundt pan with a caramel frosting. omg this is soooo yummy! My email is borncountryllw@yahoo.com
    Hope I win, I love to bake.

  121. Oooh coconut cake with coconut icing!

  122. My momma makes a sherry cream cake that knocks your socks off. I request it every time I go home.

  123. Ohh what a hard question. I think i have to say rhubarb and strawberry pie. I can eat it all day long.

    Already folloing you on Twitter and Facebook :)

  124. My favorite cake is this amazing lemon cake with lemon frosting that my mom makes. I have yet to get the recipe from her! lauwil07 at gmail dot com.

  125. My favorite cake would be a classic chocolate cake with chocolate fudge frosting.

  126. I love red velvet cake. There is just something about the cream cheese frosting...

    larkspurpurple (at) gmail.com

  127. amazing! My favorite cake is flour-less chocolate cake - if i EVER see is ANYWHERE i have to order it!
    e-mail: "rachelh.egan at gmail dot com"

  128. my favorite cake is butter vanilla with holes poked in it while its hot and some sort of fudgey chocolate frosting. YUM!

  129. One of the best cakes I've had was actually from The Cake Mix Doctor's Chocolate Cakes book. I forget the exact title of the recipe but it's something like The Best Birthday Cake. A triple layer chocolate cake with ganache filling and a wonderful buttercream frosting. It's great!

  130. growing up, my mom would make a cake called ugly duckling cake that had fruit cocktail in it and she would coat the pan with sugar and butter that would crystalize. it was amazing.

    i sure could use a new cook book.


  131. I think my favorite cake is a classic moist chocolate cake with perfect chocolate buttercream

  132. I love cookbooks, and I would have to say my favorite cake is good old fashioned homemade chocolate cake with buttercream frosting!

  133. My name is Laurie.....

    My favorite cake is my Grandma's homemade yellow cake with homemade chocolate fudge frosting. My mouth waters just thinking about it. She's been gone for many years now and I always ask my Mom to make it for me for my birthday.


  134. My favorite cake is the one my 4 kids and amazing hudband make me on my birthday. It's an orange cake-with x-tra orange juice concentrate in it and extra orange zest. Then they make their own Paula Dean-inspired orange cream cheese icing-again with extra concentrate and zest. So gooooooood. And my 7 yr old says she blows kisses into the batter. Life is GOOD!

  135. Great giveaway! I found your blog last week, and have been stalking through your recipes alllll weekend/week long! :)

    My all-time favorite cake would probably be the new one I tried and made for my birthay-apple butter cake with cinnamon cream-cheese frosting! :)

  136. My favorite cake is Wacky Chocolate Cake with Richmond Chocolate Frosting. The frosting is cooked on the stove, you pour it on the cake hot and let it set up to a thick, rich pudding-like frosting. YUM! I make it for everyone's birthday and everyone raves about it!
    Patty - ohsweetpea@hotmail.com

  137. I haven't really heard of this, but I would LOVE to win it :)

    The best cake I ever ate was a flourless mississippi mud pie, the non ice cream sorts!! LOVEE!

  138. I just love carrot cake with a good, rich cream cheese frosting. Delicious!

  139. It is way too hard to narrow down to an "all-time-favorite", but one of the top 10 (and most recently made) is a dark chocolate gingerbread. It's super dense, moist, made in a bundt pan & topped with confectioners' sugar. Perfect winter-time cake!

  140. The best cake I ever ate was from 17 North in Mount Pleasant, South Carolina...carrot cake. Yum!


  141. Yay, cookbooks! I read them like text!
    My all time favorite cake is wedding cake, followed closely by birthday cake. Something about them different than any other sort.

    Lauré ... momofjdt@aol.com

  142. Coconut cake with buttercream frosting and toasted coconut garnish!

  143. All time favorite- that's a big bite. Well, I'd have to say Spiced Cake with Orange Cream Cheese icing. Mmmm, now I want cake. I have recently started decorating cakes and am always looking for new recipes to try out. :)
    Alice Dutton

  144. Black Magic Cake can satisfy my chocolate/childish/creative desires....anytime! I used to call it, "Aunt Mary Grace's Black Magic Cake," due to the fact it was in upstate New York where I first found this tasty feast in my Great Aunt's kitchen. She was the kind of cook who'd cook with one hand and smoke with the other. Her finished products always brought a bit of heaven to my taste buds (despite the nastiness of the ashes she was sure to have deposited whilst stirring the pot). Yes, Black Magic Cake can bring joy to anyone's heart. I guar.an.tee. My name is Tracy and my email is tip6inc@yahoo.com

  145. my fav cake is red velvet cake cream cheese frosting..yum!
    i want to Cake Love book :))))


    Miss Z.

  146. Just recently I had a lemon poppyseed cake with lemon frosting and it was heaven!
    morsekittyl AT yahoo DOT com

  147. I'm a sucker for old school chocolate cake with butter cream icing. My mom's family is from Amish country and she has an old Amish cake recipe that is AMAZING.

  148. My mom's pistachio cake. It's awesome... and it's made with jell-o pistachio pudding mix, box cake mix, and cool whip - all things I NEVER normally bake with. So moist. And pistachio-y. And green. Nothing beats it.

  149. My favorite all time cake is a Milky Way Cake that is made with about 10 candy bars melted in the cake and icing and it has lots of PECANS. It is amazing!!
    cjpike at indiana dot edu

  150. I would love to win! As for my favorite cake... does ice cream cake count? I really have never had any amazing cakes, but I'll never turn down a piece of chocolate cake with chocolate buttercream!

  151. Chocolate mayo cake with chocolate buttercream frosting.

  152. My mom used to get me this regular store-bought sheet cake for my birthday when I was a kid, and there was just one thing that was special about it. It was mocha! I LOOOOOOOVE mocha flavored stuff, and the icing on this cake was to DIE for. I've tried for years to find something similar, and I've never managed. Maybe someday I'll just have to reverse-engineer it.

    ~ Lynne, tollbaby at yahoo dot com

  153. My all time favorite cake is a German cake with almonds and apricots. I had it when I visited several years ago, and i've never found anything in the states that compares. It was about an inch of almond cake topped with custard, then a gelatin of apricots, orange segments, and slivered almonds. So moist and absolutely amazing!

  154. My name is Megan, megan.thiel@gmail.com, and my favorite cake= Yellow Cake with Grand Marnier frosting. I am a very picky frosting eater but can handle this by the spoonful!

  155. Cheesecake... Preferrably raspberry.

  156. love the books…have taken cake love from local library & enjoyed his back story!
    i love cheesecakes (layers of mocha, espresso or chocolate) with dark chocolate ganache…
    thanks for including me in this giveaway!!

  157. chocolate cake with vanilla buttercream is my all time favorite

  158. My favorite is either flourless chocolate or snickerdoodle cake. Thanks.

    Chris M.

    zekks at yahoo dot com

  159. Favorite? Geeze..I dunno. Lets see. I am going to go the boring route..yellow cake with fudge icing. love u!

  160. I am a fan of traditional white cake and chocolate buttercream, when done correctly is amazing!

  161. German Chocolate Cake, with tons of coconut and pecans and all the good stuff!

  162. My all time favorite cake changes each year. This year I am loving vegan sweet potato cake with real cream cheese icing! Shelley schapman@naturibeauty.com

  163. Elizabeth Donald

    Black Forest Cake with Ganache

    twitter user: zanista

  164. My all time fav cake would be tiramisu. I went to Italy once and for breakfast (yes) we had the most amazing cake, perfect.

  165. a cake with apples and pudding :-) yammy

  166. Chocolate Italian Cream Cake- Yes it is as good as it sounds. It is amazing!

    Will you send some snow down to Texas?

  167. My favorite cake is my brother's mint chocolate chip ice cream cake with dark chocolate ganache...It is to DIE FOR! The mint infuses the chocolate, and the cake is so moist for an ice cream/flourless...SO GOOD! If I win, I will definitely be sharing the books with him. I can cook a mean dinner, but he is the one to follow it up with a real sweet dessert!
    Thanks! Caiti caitismiles@gmail.com

  168. My favorite cake (like it's actually possible to choose just one!) would have to be a flourless chocolate cake I make. It is so fudgy and rich- you just have to keep straightening out the edges!
    (if you know what I mean!)

  169. my favorite cake changes from day to day, hour to hour, minute to minute. right now, i'd say the winner is an apple cake with penuche frosting. yowza!

  170. I love homemade angel food cake! And I would love to have these cookbooks!

  171. I have a love affair with red velvet cake, my thighs don't love it but my mouth says more more more!!! My name is Stacey, my email address is szocki at stny dot rr dot com

  172. fave cake...schargenberger's recipe THE chocolate cake...yum! love your blog, never grated butter before the levain choc chip clone cookies...fun!sheryl_hussey@yahoo.com

  173. Red velvet cake with cream cheese frosting!

  174. too much snow. my arizona blood can't handle it! A great way to warm up is through the kitchen.



  175. my favorite cake is ina's orange bundt with chocolate chunks and ganache. so good.--lindsay

  176. Hey...Yes I remember his show on Food Network. I wonder why they took him off? Get giveaway...pick me, pick me!

  177. Nice giveaway!

    I will cook Mexican for you any time as long as you bake for me. Deal?

  178. P.S. My favorite cake is German chocolate with coconut pecan frosting. YUM.

  179. I love pineapple upside down cake!

  180. My all time favorite cake is just a double chocoalte layer cake with buttercream. I just made Beatty's Chocolate cake from Ina Garten, and it was to die for!

  181. I'll never be able to choose just one...but today it is a hummingbird cake. I'm a Southerner through and through. Happy New Year!

  182. Fun giveaway! I always go for carrot cake first :)

  183. My all time favorite cake is a
    Kentucky Butter Rum cake. It is super yummy, and the recipe is so easy, my hubby managed to make one for my birthday this year. I gave the recipe to one of my blogging friends, and she posted about it here if anyone wants the recipe.

  184. Hi! My name is Meagan and I love reading your blog. My favorite cake would have to be just a deep dark chocolate with chocolate buttercream.
    My email-MeagCochran@gmail.com.

    p.s. I'm already a fan on facebook and twitter. =)

  185. I'm a sucker for red velvet, and pretty much anything else that uses cream cheese frosting!

  186. This cake is one of my favorites. http://www.epicurious.com/recipes/food/views/Pineapple-Coconut-Layer-Cake-10154 I know it as Dominican Cake. Another long time favorite is Orange Cake using the cake recipe from "Memories of a Cuban Kitchen" and the Lemon (in this case Orange) Buttercream recipe from Magnolia Bakery

  187. Carrot cake has always been a favorite!


  188. Chocolate cake with a pistachio mousse and frosting, it was amazing and I wish I still had the recipe lol

    My name is Melanie and my email is arielmacsween at hotmail dot com

  189. My all time favorite cake is a simple cake---my grandmother's Poppyseed cake. I've never tasted a cake like it or seen a duplicate recipe. It's a MUST have to have every Christmas!

    lisaberkery at gmail dot com

  190. Love love love German Chocolate cake with Coconut Pecan Icing but Lemon Meringue Cake with lemon filling is a close second.
    themoonmom at hotmail dot com

  191. I love cookbooks. I'd love to win this giveaway. I have one on my blog too. Take a look. My favorite all time cake would be chocolate fudge cake with vanilla frosting. So good.


  192. Jann (jann-wa@Juno.com)1/18/11, 12:41 AM

    http://www.food.com/recipe/best-ever-chocolate-cake-78541 is my favorite cake. SO yummy.

  193. My favorite cake ever would be pineapple upside down cake! With carrot cake and red velvet close behind :)

    Desiree Vick - vickdn@live.com


  194. My favorite cake is my mom's chocolate sheet cake. the most interesting thing and my favorite part about the frosting is that it has cinnamon in it.

  195. Homemade Italian Cream Cake!

  196. My favorite is spice cake with caramel frosting.

  197. i used to live in boston and i totally got cabin fever when it snowed, back in that day, i loved to make banana bread, but my favorite cake of all times is chocolate cake from the hershey's recipe, with peanut butter frosting!

  198. Wow - fantastic giveaway! I'm a recent reader and I'm in absolute awe of your stuff, PS. Also, obviously, a total cake lover. :)

    My all-time favorite cake is the All-American chocolate cake from Berenbaum's Cake Bible. It's my go-to chocolate cake recipe, and so divine.


I love your comments!