
chocolate donuts w/ ganache and pistachios

There's really no point in writing a lengthy post...no one's going to read it--the photos are way too distracting. The photo gods were with me on the day I made these incredibly delicious donuts. Enjoy. We did. I HIGHLY recommended making them (duh). I lend inspiration for these from the infamous doughnut plant in nyc; a place where I should be working and creating (check out the pb & jelly donuts: good sweet charlotte!).

chocolate donuts w/ ganache & salty pistachios
print recipe

1 ½ cups cake flour
½ cup dutch process cocoa
¾ cup sugar
2 ts baking powder
1 ts sea salt
¾ cup buttermilk, room temp
2 eggs
2 TB butter, melted
1 ts vanilla
(I added about ½ cup of chopped semi-sweet chocolate)

Preheat oven to 425. Spray donut pan lightly w/ non stick spray.
In a small bowl beat the eggs and vanilla.
In a large bowl mix the flour, cocoa, sugar, baking powder, and salt. Then add in the buttermilk, stir a bit, then add in the melted butter, and finally add egg mixture. Mix till just combined; no need to overmix. Fill each donut mold about 2/3 full (I overfilled, who cares, it was fine). Bake about 7 – 10 minutes. Remove from pan and place on cooling rack. It’s best to place parchment paper underneath cooling racks to make it easier to drizzle the donuts with Ganache. Recipe from dawn finicane of vanillakitchen.blogspot.com

Milk chocolate ganache w/ salty pistachios.

1 cup of high quality milk chocolate chips
2 –3 TB heavy cream

½ to ¾ cup of roasted & salted pistachios, roughly chopped
(if you don’t like pistachios then use whatever chopped nut or sprinkles you desire)

When donuts are cooled time to make the ganache. Melt the chocolate chips with the heavy cream, keep stirring till you get a nice glossy and consistency. Pour chocolate over donuts and/or dip donuts in chocolate—whichever is easiest for you. Top with chopped pistachios. Let chocolate harden/set before devouring. Should make 12 - 15


  1. Oh my goodness Dawn...these look insanely good! Your pics always make me drool =)

  2. Sweet Jesus woman. Send me one!!! I just got a donut pan, but my stupid freaking oven is still on the fritz.

  3. I agree- those photos are WAY too distracting (and I'm not even a donut fan!)

  4. Where did you get your donut pan? Never heard of one? A whole lot better than frying... these look absolutely the best ever!!!!

  5. Where did you get your donut pan at? Never heard of one... A whole lot better than frying... these look like the best ever!!!!

  6. OMG Are you kidding me. The everything Gods were with you. They look perfect and delicious and drool worthy and oh my. Dawn I am not a big doughnut fan but I so am enticed here!

  7. Well now I can't think about anything except how quickly I can get down to that donut place. So much for studying tonight. i need a PB+J donut. Stat.

    Um these pictures are porn. I would hang them on my wall, but they aren't family friendly.

  8. Very very nice Dawn! You so need your own bakery!

  9. Pretty pretty. I am not a big fan of donuts but if I had to eat them it would be these chocolate ones because their texture is similar to cake.

  10. Seriously? SERIOUSLY? You had to go make donuts? You are an evil person. But I still love you!

  11. oh wow - what marvellous photos. Those look truly amazing !

  12. Ohhh myyy, these look absolutely divine! Pistachios and chocolate are a delightful combo :)

  13. Your timing is impeccable: I just spent a good portion of yesterday obsessing over donuts after sharing Twitter convos about kids' b-day donut cakes! I don't have the special pan but may something that might work for 'donut holes'. I am soooo going to make these!

  14. I gasped when I read the title of this on my dashboard. I would definitely go pistachios over the sprinkles. But iether way, they look so fantastic and professional!!

  15. Wow, those photos are incredible and the donuts look crazy good. I didn't even know they made donut pans. Where did you buy them?

  16. That first picture fills me with crazy desire... for donuts. ohhhhh man!

  17. Wow these look amazing.....


  18. These look soo.freaking.good. Mmm.

  19. Be my personal chef. I pay very well... in bacon.

  20. Whoa! Guess I need a donut mould right away!

  21. These look SO good.. oh man.. I really need a donut pan. *sigh*

  22. These donuts look sooo yummy!
    Unfortunately I don't own a doughnut pan and wonder if they would come out as nice by frying them.

  23. OMG you had me at donut! But when you added all the other stuff then how amazing does it look!?!

  24. OMG! Those donuts looks so divine I wanna grab one from my screen!!!

  25. OMG! These look wicked good and worth every dang calorie. ;)

  26. I love chocolate cake donuts- going to have to get me a pan!!!

  27. Yum! Time to bust out my donut pan! It hasn't seen any action in awhile.

  28. My goodness, those are so beautiful! I love pistachios...what a great idea to add them!

  29. These look awesome! Way to amp my ever-present donut cravings.

    Also, I took inspiration from your gingerbread cupcake post and thought you might like to see my twist on them! post here:



  30. It's just wrong how good those look. ;) Beautiful job.

  31. Is that drool on my keyboard. You are right no explanation necessary.

  32. Those doughnuts are a think of beauty. Want.

  33. Oh my gosh! It's like you're in my head, looking at what I love. Gorgeous!

  34. Oh, my gosh. I want one of these donuts, and I want it NOW! :) Maybe two...

  35. pistachios all the way :) unless they're colored sprinkles! lol. i'm weird. you know, I can zipcar down to you... let me know next time you're baking ;)

  36. Another great flavor combination! I need to get a donut pan.

  37. What beautiful doughnuts...and with pistachios! YUM!

  38. Dawn, why did you have to post this recipe on the very day I promised myself that I would start my diet and stick to it? Very unfair of you!But at least my doughnut mold is for mini cupcakes!

    Perhaps I could just eat the pictures - less calories!


  39. you are right, wowzers what a gorgeous piece of baking.

  40. Holy cow...it's snowing like crazy here, and you just made me want to get in my (non 4-wd) car and drive to Bed Bath and Beyond to get a donut pan...Good Lord!

    (So since that is absolutely insane, think the recipe would work as a muffin?)

  41. I suddenly feel the need to purchase a donut pan. These look absolutely amazing.

  42. My my my, I'll surely go nuts with that nutty choco donuts of yours. I want to grab them off screen.LOL

  43. They look gorgeous. I want to go in my kitchen right now and to donut makin!

  44. Beautiful post! I don't even like donuts and these ones are making me droool! I need some. God seriously, now I wont stop thinking about them!

  45. You're killing me here!

  46. awesome photos!!! I love very graphic composition

  47. I have never seen a more beautiful picture of a donut! chocolate ganache covered donut with pistachios-I never thought about pairing chocolate with pistachios. I wonder how they would go in a chocolate banana brownie? The picture makes me want to jump right into my monitor and chow down!

  48. YUM! I've never made doughnuts!! These look great.

  49. ::swoon:: S T U N N I N G. You should definitely be working at the Doughnut Plant; love that place! And whatever camera you use--nicely done.

  50. The photo gods were with you! It's hard to describe but OMG, I'll take a dozen!

  51. those are some awfully nice photos, dawn, and it's a great flavor combination. i like nearly all nuts but pistachios hover at the top of the list.

  52. very nice blog dear friend...

    Keep Visiting Dear Friends....Thanx
    Lyrics Mantra
    Music Bol

  53. OMG daaaaahling. I DIE!!!!!! Hand over those pistachio donuts and nobody gets hurt. I NEED THESE!
    *kisses* HH

  54. Wow! Where can I get a donutpan? There sure aren´t any for sale here in Norway! And yes - the photos are incredible! How about putting them in as a header instead of that (so, sorry bout this, but i think about it everytime i visit your site. which in every other way is glorious!!!) horrible icecream thingy with that starchy caramel??? Pelase please get a new header! It would do wonders for ur readers! But as i said, i love your recipes, and ur writing is fantastic :D No trollin´!

  55. Those are like little works of art. Amazing.

  56. Ummmmm...What did you say about sitting and eating your oatmeal? :)

    I know all about the donut plant....my daughter lives in NYC. Very dangerous place; If I worked there I would be completely round.

    And you're right, those are unreal photos. OMG. And I don't even eat donuts but I already copied the recipe.

  57. I swear I can smell them. Amazing photos.

  58. Heaven. Pure and simple.

  59. Never been into donuts much the ganache might change my mind. Your photos really did turn out beautifully.

  60. Oh! Love your pictures.

  61. I'm SO gonna get a donut pan.

  62. Would this work in a bundt pan? The texture looks absolutely gorgeous, as does that ganache!!

  63. Really amazing blog. Wonderful work. I appreciate. And thanks for sharing info.

  64. I just got a donut pan last week, and now I know what I'm going to do with it! Yum!

  65. OMG feels like death by chocolate now. good job!

  66. My mouth is watering and I SO wish I had one of these right now - they completely decadent and addicting!

  67. OH my god the donuts, glaze and the nuts absolutely looks sooooooooooo yumm :)

  68. What do you think think cooking time would be for these in a mini-donut pan?

  69. mini donuts? hmmm maybe 5 - 9 minutes? give them a check at 5 or 6 minute mark.

  70. Oh my yes. These look sinful.

  71. They look so delicious I realy deserve one ( or two) right now.

  72. I own a coffee shop and I made a batch of these and well there all gone and now I have many request for more..... Thanks for the easy and delicious recipe <3

  73. You're so right. There is no way I could have read a longer post with these doughnut pictures. They look freakin delicious!

  74. can you use a cake pan and make this as a cake instead of donuts?

  75. You BAKED them!! Thus far I've always stayed away from making my own doughnuts cos the thought of deep frying anything really puts me off. Baked is a whole other matter though. Hooray!! Thank you, lovely lady!

  76. Better late than never I suppose. NOM NOM!! These look delicious and I am now proceeding to find a pan that can do it. YOU ENABLER!! :)

  77. By choosing to bake at home, you stand to enjoy a couple of benefits. For starters, you will have the guarantee of having freshly baked donuts since you bake as much as you need and at the same time, this also ensures that you can treat yourself to a fill without having to worry about the cost.

  78. WoW! that looks absolutely delicious.

  79. OMG Are you kidding me. The everything Gods were with you. They look perfect and delicious and drool worthy and oh my. Dawn I am not a big doughnut fan but I so am enticed here!


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