
cheesy sweet potato and corn chowder

cheesy sweet potato & corn chowder

Here's another quick & easy recipe for you; nothing glamorous or fancy here. Or we could call it cleaning out the cupboards? Ever make something, and on the first taste you think "holy crap this is so good" and then turn around dying to have someone around you to taste it and revel in your joy, but there is no one there? Yeah. That happened to me when I made this soup. Not a single human being near me to taste-test with me and say "OMG girl that soup!". Tempted to run out to the neighbors house (and yes they love when I come knocking) and have them taste-test, but there was snow on the ground and that meant I had to get out of slippers and pajamas, put real clothes on and go outside. Nah. Not happening.
So let me tell you this soup is amazing. I was blown away by how warm and comforting it tasted. The roasted sweet potatoes paired with corn and then mild cheddar cheese all in a nice hot creamy bath was a perfect pairing. This is now a staple in our house. And yes it freezes nicely. Very rich, so this is not diet food, but this is food that you make a ton of: freeze some for those nights when you feel like crap/had a bad day/want "feel good soup".
Hope you love as much as I do.

Cook notes:
Make sure to get your sweet potatoes nice and crisp; you need that texture in the soup. Those chicken bouillons really do make a difference, so try to use them. This soup freezes really well, just make sure to freeze it straight away after about 15 minutes of a cooldown. You might want to serve this in a sourdough, marble, rye bread bowl. That would be fabulous. Adding roasted or grilled chicken to this would be great too. Even chunks of lobster meat.

cheesy sweet potato & corn chowder
print recipe

3 – 4 large sweet potatoes, cut into 2 inch chunks and roasted
1 cup of chick stock
2 cans of creamed corn
8 ounces of cream cheese, room temp
½ cup heavy whipping cream
1 cup of half & half
1 – 2 TB chicken bouillon powder or you can use crushed bouillon cubes
1 & ½ cups of shredded Monterey jack cheese

This is a very thick, rich soup.
Peel and cut up sweet potatoes into 2 inch chunks. Throw them in a bowl and drizzle them with olive oil and salt & pepper. Transfer to a roasting pan and roast in 400 degree oven till nice and crisp. About 45 minutes?
In stockpot, mix the creamed corn with chicken stock, cream cheese, heavy whipping cream, half & half , and chicken bouillon till heated through. Keep warm over low heat till sweet potatoes are done. When potatoes are done throw them in the soup pot. Mix and taste test. See if it needs salt & pepper. When ready to serve turn up heat a bit and add in the shredded cheese. Serve nice and hot. This is great served in a bread bowl. Freezes great too.
Should serve 4.


  1. i am so all about soup right now with the epic snow we got -- of course i have nothing to eat in the house right now for dinner because i haven't been able to move my car for days. good thing i stocked up on butter, sugar, flour, etc., before the holidays so at least i can keep baking.

  2. Yeah, it does look perfect! Happy New Year,Dawn!

  3. mmmm perfection. I love that you used cream of corn. And I hate when I make something totally delicious and no ones around to witness.

  4. Wish I lived closer -- I would have trudged through the blizzard for a taste of this soup!

  5. This soup is love. I don't advocate eating my feelings much. But that's what it is. Plain and simple.

  6. That looks awesome and as soo as I find my veg peeler, I`ll be making it. It`s -3487C here and that looks as though it could warm us up.

  7. The best part of this is that it's not sweet! I'm pretty tired of sweet/candy/sugary things! (Who would have ever thought?) I love a great hardy soup with crackers and shredded cheese. This looks like a keeper! Thanks!

  8. oh my gosh...this sounds like the perfect soup! happy new year!

  9. Now this is a combination I can get behind!

  10. I would give pretty much anything to have a bowl of that right now.

  11. I love sweet potatoes. Never thought of putting them in soup.

  12. Delish, I am loving the thickness with bits of veggie. Very nice. Happy New Year, I have enjoyed your blog.

  13. I'm gonna have to try this. It sounds like a winner. I've been making great pots of soup and freezing them in containers of two portions. Have several soups in my freezer and when I want/need some I can just take out what I want.

  14. With the cooler days finally settling in soups like this are more than welcome. have a wonderful New Years!!!

  15. OMG, I just want to take a bath in that! It looks luscious beyond words.

  16. THat looks so warming and comforting, delicious!
    Wishing you a fab 2011. Happy New Years to you and your family :)
    *kisses* HH

  17. This really is the perfect time of year for an excellent corn chowder and a perfect one, with the perfect bite, is hard to find. I can't wait to try yours. Cheers!

  18. cheese. cream. potaters. all of my favorite food groups are represented here. yippee ki yay, dawn. :)

  19. That chowder looks so decadently good!

  20. Decadent does not even begin to describe this bowl of yum. But the sweet potatoes are healthy, right? :)

  21. Cool blog! That soup looks comforting! And happy new year :)

  22. You're making me miss the summer. If only there were fresh, local corn! The soup look fantastic. I hope you have a wonderful 2011!

  23. I love chowders, especially the kind you can stand your spoon in. When I was in Cape Cod I was so excited to have some New England Clam Chowder, (really thick). My parents were saying no- thats just too thick. Yeah and they are the kind of people who dont like frosting. Can you imagine?

    I am thinking your chowder is totally amazing!

    Happy New Year.

  24. Love your picture of the "perfect spoonful." That looks awesome!

  25. comfort, indeed. although i totally expected bacon in here :) yum!

  26. This sounds SO tasty!! I must make it! I recently created a corn bacon chowder (with potatoes in it)...it was SO good. This reminds me of.

    Love the addition of cream cheese...I seem to put that in everything, but have yet to try it in soups.

    Happy New Year!!
    Denise @ Creative Kitchen

  27. a nice recipe, perfect for those lowsy winter days

  28. This looks so luxurious -- like a cashmere blanket to warm you up from the inside out. ;)


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