
halloween candy bundt cake

This isn't the fanciest of posts, but the photo was kind of wild and funky--the colors and all. I had crazy amounts of halloween candy leftover! Not knowing how much to get this year because we are living in a new area, I, of course over-bought AND OVER ATE. I tweeted that I was finished polishing off the peanut M&M's and was going to move onto the Twix.
I did not have dinner Halloween night but am certain I ate a few cups of candy. I had to take probiotics yogurt an hour after. LOL
As of today, the halloween candy, just like Elvis has left the building.

A good friend of mine Scary Mommy said on twitter yesterday: "&#$%@ Halloween Candy!" I couldn't agree more, and I am so glad it's all gone. Now we have to deal with the eating festivities of thanksgiving and christmas. One down, two to go....

If you have leftover candy and want to make a fun bundt cake then head over to Cathy of Noble Pig for the recipe.
I added on a white chocolate ganache to the top of mine.


  1. Que corte tan fantastico, tiene que estar delicioso. Saludos

  2. You crack me up :) We had so many kids we ran out! Pretty cake

  3. I am impressed - no, make that envious - that you had any leftover H'ween candy left! Because of where our home was situated (off busy road, no sidewalks, huge distance b/w houses), we never got any trick-or-treaters. So I only bought 2 bags of candy: one to finish before 10/31 and the other to finish by 11/1!

    Love the rainbow colors in this!

  4. I sooo need my Halloween candy to leave the building too. haha This cake look super delish.

  5. You're hilarious!

    I, too, am on candy overload!

    This, however, looks absolutely wonderful!

    Mary xo
    Delightful Bitefuls

  6. I don't get trick or treaters, so I don't buy candy. Right now, I'm not so sure that's a good thing. I'd love to have some left over to make this cake!

  7. I actually dig the LSD-cum-Betty Crocker-meets M & M's look. You know kids will dig this cake...I'm a big kid!

  8. Wow, a great way to get rid of candies! and I like the white chocolate ganache!

  9. I have some left over chocolate that I will be eating up for the next week. hahaha... Good thing I love chocolate. But I may just have to bake them into something to kick it up a notch. A girl could only eat so much chocolate in one sitting. :) Nice job with the bundt cake!!!

  10. I have some left over chocolate that I will be eating up for the next week. hahaha... Good thing I love chocolate. But I may just have to bake them into something to kick it up a notch. A girl could only eat so much chocolate in one sitting. :) Nice job with the bundt cake!!!

  11. This cake looks fantastic. I love those pops of color in it. By the way, I'm holding a CSN giveaway on my blog and you're welcome to come by and enter. http://sweet-as-sugar-cookies.blogspot.com/2010/11/45-csn-giveaway.html

  12. What a great idea and wow it looks so beautiful and yummy!

    The Cheeky Cafe

  13. I love this. And it makes me laugh that you bleeped out my tweet! I need this candy OUT of my house-- in another form of junk just won't do. My ass is big enough.

  14. This is so super pretty! I live in school housing so there was no trick or treating and hence no leftover candy. Bummer. But I bet the CVS or Walgreens around here has leftover candy. That counts right?

  15. OMG..you have NO IDEA how much Halloween candy is in my house. I would say about 8 pounds worth! And I am proud to say I have only had 1 tootsie roll.

  16. I am so looking at that one to take to work! lol. I bought tons of candy because I wanted tons of treaters! I had a lot of treaters but still had tons of candy left still!

  17. This is why I remain a single apartment dweller...no things like Halloween to mess up your diet. I do like that cool rainbow effect the candy gives the cake though.

  18. everything looks gorgeous in a bundt!

  19. I shouldn't have bought halloween candy because it's only 2 of us & we didn't get any trick or treaters. I like your solution. Ha!

  20. This is such a fun idea--love the colors. However, I've never had good luck with bundt cakes. They ALWAYS get stuck in the pan. Oh well, I can try again sometime!

  21. Seriously SCARY cake! LOL I would love to do something like this. It reminds me of a time someone dared me to do a Smarties biscotti. It worked, but in the end, the biscotti were stained just like your bundt cake.

  22. The problem with kids is you have to try and be a good example and eat the darn candy slowly. My son's candy stash calls to me hourly even though I have so far resisted its siren song. Maybe I should talk him into one of these cakes!

  23. I have eaten roughly 2000 fun sized snickers in the past 48 hours. They stop being fun at about number 1698.

  24. You should call it Sugar Overload Cake. My kids would dig this.

  25. All those colors remind me of King Cake from Mardi Gras

  26. haha fun colors!

  27. OMG: the candy has left my house as well!…but, before it left i managed to devour sooo much of the leftovers!!
    your bundt looks beautiful…kinda reminds me of a mardi gras king cake!!

  28. That is a pretty cake! I can't deal with the candy. I put it in a bag and hid it in the pantry. Wish I didn't just tell myself that.

  29. That's one groovy bundt- love the colors!

  30. yeah the gosh darn candy did me in this year. i should've made a cake!

  31. That's a funky looking cake! Great picture!

  32. An edible rainbow! I love it! ;)

  33. THat looks and sounds perfect! Too bad I ate all my {kids} Halloween candy..hangs head in shame :)

  34. ARe you crazy? The cake and photograph are pretty darn awesome! I can't wait to try this, especially since I have a lot of left over Halloween candy.

  35. This cake looks so cool. Just love the colours....

  36. this looks very pretty:) thanks for sharing this.


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