
creamsicle cheesecake with buttery shortbread crust

I looked and looked to see if someone had done a creamsicle cheesecake. Couldn't find anything, so there in lies my homework assignment. After a few attempts I think I nailed it. Creamsicle and cheesecake just screams to be together doesn't it? And I wanted to add a layer of 'almost saltiness' to it (don't I always), so I used those Lorna Doone shortbread cookies as the crust. Do I even have to tell you how good this was? It was light and creamy with a hint of orange just like a true creamsicle. Please forgive me on this, for I did not write down the recipe. I am certain though I got it all down word for word though. Just taste-test it before you bake it to make sure it tastes, well, like a creamsicle. The only areas I might have been forgetful was the amount of chopped orange slices and heavy cream. So you might need to add or subtract these--that's why I say taste test as you go along. I promise you I will get better with writing down the recipes straight away. :-)
Can we talk about Top Chef Desserts for a bit? I mean since I have you here? I want to like the show I really do because I just love the concept, but the drama is such a huge turn off. I know a lot of chefs, and none of them have tempers, flare-ups, crying fits, etc... like those on Top Chef Desserts. Chefs and pastry chefs alike pride themselves on being cool, calm and INSPIRING in the kitchen (and out of the kitchen as well).
It was also shocking to see on the wedding cake episode how many of the pastry chefs didn't make a decent wedding cake. Sure the flavors were there in some of the cakes, but the overall stacking and presentation was lacking. I was asking my friends if these were indeed classically trained pastry chefs. Love the show, just wish there wasn't so much crying. Just like there's no crying in baseball, there's no crying in baking. What do you think of Top Chef Desserts? Is it what you thought it would be? I honestly thought it would be like Top Chef with, well, desserts--where everyone behaves and puts forth their very best creations.

creamsicle cheesecake w/ shortbread crust
by vanillasugarblog.com

1- 10 oz box of Lorna Doone shortbread cookies, crushed fine (I used all 2 sleeves)
1 stick salted butter, melted
Tiny pinch of sea salt

cheesecake filling
4 - 8 oz. packages of cream cheese, room temp
¾ cup granulated sugar
¼ cup heavy cream (might need more)
3 large eggs and 2 large egg yolks
½ cup (or a little more) of orange candy slices, chopped very fine (the jelly-like ones coated in sugar; a sort of half moon shape)
1 ts of orange zest
A splash of vanilla extract

cook notes: as I said above I might be off on the amount of chopped orange slices and heavy cream used. So please taste test as you go along and before it goes in the pan for baking. This makes a lot of crust for the 10-inch pan, but I like to have it thick, so if you don’t like it thick you could probably halve it. But with the remaining leftover crust I just put it in a bag and freeze or make a mini cheesecake. There will also be leftover cheesecake batter—haven’t figured out how to scale it down yet. But with the leftover crust and batter you can easily make 2 mini cheesecakes if you have the mini springform pans. Also, I do not have a mixer, I know, everyone always ask how I do it, but I do, been that way for decades. So I just use a food processer, works perfectly. But use what you feel comfortable with.

Preheat your oven to 375°F.
In a measuring cup, crack open the eggs and egg yolks, set aside until ready to use.
Spray a 10-inch springform pan with non stick spray. In a food processor grind up the cookies into a fine crumb. In a bowl, combine the cookies, a pinch of salt, and the melted butter. Mix, then press into the bottom and partially up the sides of the springform pan. (I use a flat bottomed glass to press it in evenly). Recipe & photos by Dawn Finicane of vanillakitchen.blogspot.com
Note: there will be some crumbs leftover; I normally use more crumbs than the average cheesecake because I love a thick crumb.
Bake for 12 minutes, set aside and let cool. Reduce the oven heat to 325°F.

cheesecake batter:
I used my food processor to make the cheesecake batter—I suppose you could use a mixer, but I don’t have one (I know, weird). With the food processor, mix the cream cheese and sugar until smooth and lump free. Add in the sugar, scraping down the sides of the bowl as needed. .
Add in the eggs one at a time until all is mixed well; add in the heavy cream. Then add in the vanilla extract, and orange zest; then add in the chopped orange candy slices. Process until all is well mixed.

Most people like to do a water bath for their cheesecake. I never do, I find all too annoying. But if you want to do this please feel free; it’s best to bake your cheesecake how ever you feel most comfortable.
I baked this cheesecake at 325°F for one hour then at 300°F for an additional 40 to 60 minutes or until the center is set. Remove from the oven and allow to cool completely, then refrigerate for at least 6 hours. Top with freshly whipped cream and I used all natural sprinkles form Whole Foods. These orange ones taste like orange.


  1. This looks hella good girl! I have no other words.

  2. Oh, you're killing me! FABULOUS! Top Chef Desserts? I'm so over Seth and his selfish big baby momma's boy attitude. I'm perfectly fine with everyone else, though. I think it's fun.

  3. Creamsicle?! Wow I need to make this. I would not be able to stay away.

  4. Oh how I love cheesecake and dreamsicles....and you have gone and put them both together. What a great creation.
    As far as Top Chef Desserts...I think you need to be on that show. Teach them a lesson or two.

  5. oh my.... Lorna Doone shortbread cookies in the crust? Those cookies are amazing...I can't even imagine them in crust form. What a creation. drool. I haven't watched top chef desserts. Bummer to hear its overly dramatic though....

  6. What are those tiny things that you placed on top of this creamsicle?

  7. That anonymous up there is me. D'oh!

  8. *whimper*

    I've been meaning to make a cheesecake for a ridiculously long amount of time. As in, years. And I need to watch Top Chef Desserts. I should really start catching up on things.

  9. Cheesecake and creamsicles, what decadence! I can see this as my wedding cake - very summery and fun!

  10. this cake is INSANE & one i must bake asap!

    dawn, curious…do you ever bake your cheesecake for 1 hour & let rest in the oven w/temp turned off & door cracked open a bit for 40 or so minutes?

    i, as well, wanted to love top chef desserts…too much drama & not as professional as i thought it would be… they should have recruited you!!

  11. oh my goodness, this cheesecake looks spectacular!

  12. I feel the EXACT same way about Top Chef Desserts! It's worse than a soap opera. Or the Real Housewives of New York. I'm done with it.

    Um hello beautiful cheesecake! This is a GENIUS idea. Love the sweet salty buttery crust. Gorgeous.

  13. What a great looking cheesecake!

    Top Chef--JD, glad to see the drama dude, Seth, gone. Should get a little better now. But what was up with the Heathers last night?
    What I really wish is that the show WOULD focus more on their challenges, showing us more of the process, finished dishes and the judges tasting and talking about them more. I want to see and hear more about the desserts! Sigh.

  14. There's only crying in baking when you goods end up like Malika's. Oh man. But other than that, we won't cry unless we're eating a piece of cheesecake that is so good it makes you want to shed salty tears. Great great GREAT idea. We both love citrus, and you took it there. Took it THERE!

  15. Food porn-a-licious! I'm not a big creamsicle fan, but I think that cheesecake tang would balance the flavors.

  16. I'll get a Mexican food truck if you get a Dawn's Baking Truck... A girl can dream anyway. The cheesecake looks amazing, as usual.

  17. I wanted to say Puss in Boots but how forward is that? Nice cake.

  18. Your cakes are always so tall and fat (in a good way!) and beautiful and just screaming to be eaten! I love that, I wish eventually I 'll be able to do that! Thanks a lot, I adore this.



  19. I love your concoctions and I've always loved creamsicles!

  20. That looks wonderful!! It's an unfortunate reality with most food shows - they add a lot of drama to cater to the 'general' audience!

  21. Now this has to be the best looking cheesecake I've ever seen!

  22. This is the first time I see a creamsicle cheesecake. This is really what I can call Top Chef dessert. Delicious.

  23. Gorgeous! We did a raspberry creamsicle cake this summer, but I love the idea of using a CHEESECAKE base.

  24. Seriously, Dawn, are you trying to kill me? Putting that in front of any guy is ticket to winning adoration for the rest of his natural life! I don't even think I could contain myself. Cheesecake is a weakness, of course! Creamsicles, full fat cream. Dude, I am done! LOL {evily}
    BTW: I hate the water bath as well. Too pretentious. I prefer the slow oven method myself. I always had a problem with the stupid water splashing in behind. Grr.

  25. I love creamsicles! Such a nice change of pace while the rest of us are up to our waists with fall recipes :)

  26. This looks delicious! I have to make my own birthday cake this year (as I usually do, my friends are all cooks!) so this might be my project tomorrow.

    As for Top Chef Desserts...I've watched every season of Top Chef and loved it. I'm a chef but I love love love baking in my free time and was pumped to hear about this show. What a let down. I can't even watch it anymore because of the insane drama that comes with each episode.

  27. *drooling* Cheesecake is now on next week's list.

  28. That slice is perfection!

    Ya know, I DVR'd Top Chef Desserts and watched the first episode this evening. I was underwhelmed.

  29. Every time I visit you, I am blown away by your recipes and photography!
    And because creamsicles were a favorite when I was a kid, I bet I'd love this.

    Re Top Chef Desserts: I understand the producers perhaps think the emotions are a plus, but I am so turned off by the weeping...I made this in honor of my mother (insert crying jag here)crap. Geez. Puhleeze. (I actually turn to another channel when I see it coming.) Get over yourselves, chefs!

  30. Yes!!!! I love creamsicles. this is a fantastic version for anyone who doesn't want the frozen version. YUUUUUUUMMMMMM!!!

  31. Um, yes please! Glad you finally got this one posted as it deserves to be queen for a day.
    Top Chef Desserts is no longer watched in this house. I just can't do the drama, especially from Seth.

  32. Creamsicle is one of my favorite flavors of all time. This cheesecake is gorgeous!

  33. Hi Dawn

    What is orange candy slices?

  34. jackie-
    those orange jelly slice that are coated in sugar, half moon shaped, usually sold in massive see thru tubs.
    you didn't leave an email so this is the only way contact you

  35. I'm glad you posted your answer about the candy orange slices in the comments, cuz that's what I was going to ask. :-)

    Seriously, Dawn, this sounds amazing! Think I'm going to have to adapt my favorite cheesecake recipe to try this. Love creamsicle!

    As far as Top Chef: Just Desserts? I think they need to go back to screening reality show contestants for psychological problems. I said after the 2nd episode that Seth has psych problems, and sure enough, he has a psychotic break. Guess the idiot producers mistook it for "drama".

  36. I'm not an orange lover but I would totally inhale a piece of this cake. Lorna Doone's for the crust - brilliant! I am 100% with you on Top Chef Desserts. As someone who cooks and bakes, I was totally psyched to see the pastry chefs getting their due. BUT. The drama reminds me of other lesser shows that are all over TV and I'm just over it. The drama with Seth? That guy needs medication and maybe a stay in the hospital. That is not what I want to see on a dessert show.

  37. This is incredible looking! That's the funnest cheesecake ever! The pictures are just drool worthy. And I ALWAYS forget to write my recipes down. Glad to know I'm not the only one!

  38. omg, they're like kids aren't they?? and you must've been reading my mind... b/c last week i was just thinking that i need to make some sort of creamsicle creation!! love it :)

  39. As usual a fantastic creation by Dawn!

  40. oh dang, i'm so impressed! this looks AWESOME!

  41. what a great idea. I love it. creamsicles make the world go around.

  42. Ok..Lorna Doones are my all time favorite packaged cookie. I have been eating them since I was a baby! I love that you incorporated them into your delicious little creation. You da bomb!

  43. This cheesecake looks great! I've never heard of a creamsicle cheesecake before.

  44. Oh my gosh - what a perfect cheesecake!!!

  45. Yum!! This looks great. I love the creamsicle flavors.

  46. you've invented what i find to be one of the most appealing cheesecakes of all time. man, i miss those creamsicles. round of applause for ya, dawn.

  47. Brilliant Dawn!! We all love, "Creamsicle"

  48. I think I'm going to try this, it sounds sooo good, but unfortunately, try it egg free! :( My family is mostly egg free and if I eat a whole cheescake myself....well you know.....

    Any advice?

  49. Creamsicle Cake? Yes. Creamsicle cheesecake? No. Looks phenomenal!

  50. this looks groovy, kitten. Would this recipe make 2 smaller cakes?
    Nice job and I visit your blog LOTS, it's one of my favs.


  51. This cheesecake looks absolutely heavenly! My husband makes cheesecake all the time. I am going to show him this recipe and see if he will make it for this weekend :)

    Budget Earth - Ultra Yummy Baked Acorn Squash Recipe

  52. What is that topping in the picture? It looks too heavy to be a whipped cream...

    1. that "was" whipped cream.
      under the heat of summer and the hot lights for photographing the cream deflated a lot.

  53. Cocoa, highly concentrated powder made from a paste prepared from cocoa beans of the cacao tree and used in beverages and as a flavoring ingredient.

  54. Looks so Yummy !
    Now try Cocoa Powder from Online to make delicious cakes

  55. Indulge in the creamy delight of Creamsicle Cheesecake with a buttery crust that will leave you craving for more. Don't forget to check out these amazing Cheesecake Quotes For Instagram to capture the essence of your delicious treat.


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